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Thread: Amazing Apple !!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Amazing Apple !!!!

    During the last few days, I was busy setting up a server for the family. At some time, I had an issue which I couldn't resolve, so I contacted Apple Customer Service for Greece.

    Since the issue was about a server, I was transfered to the department responsible for handling servers (which is located in Ireland). I called them to resolve a problem with the Software Update service (the Mac Mini server, downloads all software updates from Apple and then distributes them to the client Macs internally). No matter what I did, no matter how closely I followed the instructions, I could not make the clients connect to the server to get the software updates. So I called the Customer Support Group (CSG) and asked for some help. Apple's representatives however were not willing to provide me with any help, because I had "edited configuration files manually".

    As soon as I told them that I had set up Bind manually (bind is the DNS server), they refused to give me any assistance. Now, I understand that some policies need to be in place, so that the CSG doesn't have to deal with all kind of crazy issues that arise from admins who fool around with the server configuration files. However, my server was working fine as far as the DNS was concerned, it was the Software Update server which was misbehaving. The funny thing is also that even Apple suggests you play with these files, in some Service Bulletins they have in their web site. Here is one of them.


    And unfortunately, there was no way to configure the server to work in the way I wanted it, without altering the configuration files manually.

    As it usually happens, some times it is impossible to bypass the thick-headness of some employees, who refuse to even listen to the customer, due to some policy issue, so I decided to complain to Apple about their policies. And here is the CRAZY thing:

    When I asked about an email address where a customer can submit a complaint about the CSG, I was given a (believe it or not) mail address. Careful there folks, I am not talking about an email address, but about a regular snail mail address. Here it is:

    Apple Computers
    Holly Hill Industrial Estate
    Holly Hill

    Come again?? Apple asks me to send them a snail mail? As if we live in the 19th century?? As if Apple doesn't know what email is?!? I thought that Apple was in the forefront of technology, everything is done electronically in the company. Even the invoice for my Mac Mini Server purchase was send to me via email, two minutes after I walked out the store and was delivered to my iPhone. And they want me to send a snail mail to them??? Good Lord, this must be the most anachronistic thing, coming from one of the most technology-oriented companies on the planet. Who on earth is responsible for this policy why!?!?

    I know, I'll never get my question answered, but it makes you wonder.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  2. #2
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    John, sorry to hear of your troubles. With the exception of those who use it for digital imaging and graphics, evryone I know who used the O.S. have migrated back to Windows or Linux.
    Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone.

  3. #3
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    Oh no, I am not going back to Windows no matter what.

    The problems I had were with their Snow Leopard server, not the standard version of their operating system. I have been using the standard Snow Leopard for two years now, and I haven't found one reason to switch to something else.

    And the server itself is not bad, for the price. Consider that for $1,000 you get a complete server, with two 500GB disks, 4GB RAM, one GB Ethernet port, WiFi etc. with unlimited clients license. Try getting such a machine and software from Windows and it can easily cost you more than $3,000.

    At this time, this little box is running the following servers for my family.

    - DNS
    - LDAP
    - Software Update
    - iCal
    - AddressBook
    - Print
    - Mail
    - Web
    - Blog
    - AFP
    - FTP
    - etc

    We have only a max of 5-8 users to serve, so I am pretty sure it will give us fine service for a long long time.

    The issue I mentioned above was solved easily, after I noticed what the problem was in one of the log files. The support guys (I am sure) could have spotted it immediately, had they bothered to work with me on the phone for 5 minutes.

    So there is no chance of going back to any other OS for me. I am perfectly happy as I am.

    That, of course, doesn't mean that one of these things couldn't find a place under my desk.

    That beauty there, is a full computer, which plugs to your wall socket.
    Have a look here: http://www.globalscaletechnologies.c...reamplugs.aspx

    The perfect thing for teaching Unix to the kids (in a few years).
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization
    Last edited by John; 5th February 2011 at 09:46.

  4. #4
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    That thing is amazing! I gotta get me one. I have been messing with Linux off and on for about 7 years or so. There is nothing driving me except curiosity so the learning curve is quite heavy. I have a younger brother that works for Lockheed Martin and he is a Linux guru! He has tought me a thing or two but he's too busy to continue.
    Call me crazy, but to me, an image or graphic seems to look better on a Mac than a Windows P.C.
    Do you think I'm nuts?


    Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone.

  5. #5
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    I do not know if an image looks better, I know that I won't change my 24" iMac for anything running Windoze. I would definitely change it for a 27" iMac, but that's about it.

    And yes, that little thing is amazing. I've written to the manufacturer, asking if they make it with a European plug, if they do, I am ordering one asap.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  6. #6
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    If you get one, I wanna hear all about it. Would a power addapter work?
    Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone.

  7. #7
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    A power adapter is not required, in the sense that this thing is supposed to work from 100-240V. The issue is the prongs at the back, which (at least on the pictures I've seen so far) are US-specific. An prongs adapter should work, the thing is I have only one of those and it's not exactly easy to find them.

    I hope they get back to me in a day or two, I'll keep you all in the loop.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by John
    An prongs adapter should work, the thing is I have only one of those and it's not exactly easy to find them.

    Let me know if you need one!
    Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
    M. Setter

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncviking
    Call me crazy, but to me, an image or graphic seems to look better on a Mac than a Windows P.C.
    Do you think I'm nuts?
    You're not nuts. I've been doing some research on these. Here are the specs for the 21.5" iMac screen (their budget desktop):

    1920x1080 native resolution (1080p)
    LED backlight
    330cd brightness

    There are a few screens in the Windoze world that can get close, but most are not as bright and have a lower resolution.

    As you get into the bigger screens it gets worse. Apple increases the number of pixels to increase the screen size, other vendors just spread them farther apart. a 24" PC screen has the same 1920x1080 resolution as the 21" Apple screen. That's the dirty little secret hidden in the specs, that aren't advertised when you go into the big box electronics store.
    "The 1911 was the design, given by God to us through John M. Browning, that represents the epitome of what a killing tool needs to be. It was true in 1911 and it's true now." - Col. Robert Coates commanding, U.S. Marine Corp Special Operations Command Detachment 1 (DET 1)

  10. #10
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    Well I have a Windoze laptop, with a 17" screen that has a 1920x1080 native resolution, but (I assume) less brightness than you mention.

    I'm not sure I'd recommend it, the size & resolution combination makes for some oddly-sized objects. It's nice when working with graphics... and I'm sure someone makes an AR rifle that's lighter!
    Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
    M. Setter

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