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Thread: It seems all the Airsoft posts are closed...........

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    17th April 2023
    Pawleys Island, SC
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    It seems all the Airsoft posts are closed...........

    Do any of you still shoot an Airsoft 1911?

    I have one by Army Armament from China (what isn't nowadays?). I got it new on Ebay for a little over $100 and although most, including me, would still consider it a toy, it is still kind of fun to shoot. I can also take it out in the backyard and fire it without worrying about the Sheriff's department showing up. It is a blowback type and the action works like a real one, the removable magazine holds 25 (I can get 27 in it with no problem) BB's and the gas chamber as an integral part of it. "Green Gas" works great in it. I can reload the mag 3 times before it runs out of gas.

    As expected, recoil is very light compared to the real thing and the trigger, while crisp, is lighter than a real one. It is all metal but is still about 15 oz lighter than a real one with a 7 round mag. It does break down, at least "field strip", just like a real 1911 and I have chronographed the BB's at around 400 fps with a full gas charge.

    Although it is a no-no, I did it anyway and took a Dremel and cutting wheel and removed that butt ugly orange plug from the muzzle. It is a pretty decent replica of an A1 and from a short distance, would fool most people (probably no one here, including me) into thinking it is a rea1911.

    Airsoft 1911.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I have a few airsoft 1911s, which I don't use because I find dealing with the green gas to be a pain, and I have a couple of CO2-powered pellet (.177" BBs) 1911s. I use those much more often than I use the airsofts.

    My goal for this summer is to make a couple of custom target stands. I have a box of half-scale USPSA silhouette targets, so I want to make two or three custom wood frames that can accept either full-size IDPA targets or the half-scale targets. There are no venues convenient to me that are currently running IDPA matches, so I hope to use the half-scale targets in my yard to keep my hand in without terrorizing the neighborhood.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #3
    Join Date
    17th April 2023
    Pawleys Island, SC
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkmoon View Post
    I have a few airsoft 1911s, which I don't use because I find dealing with the green gas to be a pain, and I have a couple of CO2-powered pellet (.177" BBs) 1911s. I use those much more often than I use the airsofts.

    My goal for this summer is to make a couple of custom target stands. I have a box of half-scale USPSA silhouette targets, so I want to make two or three custom wood frames that can accept either full-size IDPA targets or the half-scale targets. There are no venues convenient to me that are currently running IDPA matches, so I hope to use the half-scale targets in my yard to keep my hand in without terrorizing the neighborhood.
    I built a full size target frame from CCA 2x4's and covered the front of it with that white corrugated plastic using a staple gun. The stuff is inexpensive (about $8 a sheet) and you can attach targets of all sizes to it with either a staple gun or push pins. When you shoot the front up to the point it needs replaced, just get some more. I painted the frame with flat black Rustoleum but since it is made of exterior grade 2x4's you could just leave it unpainted. Mine is about 9 years old and sits outside in the weather all the time. It is still in as good a shape as the day I built it.

  4. #4
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    I have the Springfield licensed GI model (all metal, reciprocating slide, very accurate replica) and really liked it until the CO2 magazine developed a leak. Unfortunately I'm not saving money on trigger time if the cartridges are only giving me a short lifetime. Need to fix/replace that so I can go back to having some backyard fun. The wife said it sounded like I was running a pneumatic brad gun.

    For a target, I took a decent sized cardboard box - folded down the flaps to make an opening. Hang a homemade inkjet printed target on the front, plus an old hand towel as a backstop so I could capture the BBs for reuse. I know, super cheap, but that's how I roll.

    The nice thing about it was my range doesn't allow holster work, so I could draw to my heart's content. Safety glasses are a must. Those little guys go fast and a ricochet could end up in an eyeball a little too easily for my comfort. Good idea - I really should take the chrono out back to see how fast they are once it's working again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What is “green gas”?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by scattershot View Post
    What is “green gas”?
    Propellant for many airsoft guns.

    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  7. #7
    Join Date
    14th October 2010
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    Thank you.

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