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Thread: Threads closed?

This is an old thread. You can't post a reply in it. It is left here for historical reasons.Why don't you create a new thread instead?
  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Threads closed?

    Hi, new member here. I've noted that many threads here expire which I would like to see the ability to append to them enabled. IMO new info unless redundant is never obsolete, and actually depending time frame in the post new info can contain new relevant details pertaining to an OP or previous posts. There's a site out there I used to visit and they simply dump old topics off the end of the screen after a time which I don't get unless their storage and bandwidth was allocated when 14k modems were all the rage :-)I am sure the mods and page owners here have reasons for closing / locking topics (which don't contain flames, or other distasteful stuff) but I'd like to know what they are?
    Regards, Gary

  2. #2
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    The reason we do not allow posting in old threads, is because we want to encourage new ones, new discussions.

    I'll see if the time frame can be changed. Maybe make it twice what it is now, but I can't promise.

    Thanks for bringing up this issue.

    OK, the time limit for adding a post to an old thread, is 12 months.

    Do you see a reason to change that?
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization
    Likes (1) :
    Rick McC. (21st September 2022)

    Last edited by John; 17th September 2022 at 03:32.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th September 2022
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    Hey John, thanks for the reply.

    Maybe, there may be new info that may pertain specifically to the OP or that thread in particular which may not warrant a new thread?
    Regards, Gary

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gnappi View Post
    Hey John, thanks for the reply.

    Maybe, there may be new info that may pertain specifically to the OP or that thread in particular which may not warrant a new thread?
    Historically, the number of times when there's something new to be added to a thread that's multiple years old is FAR outweighed by the number of times someone will re-open a years-old thread with an unrelated comment or question just because that's where they were when their question or comment came to mind, and they were too lazy to go back to the index page, find the right discussion area, go there, and start a new discussion.

    WHEW! It's exhausting to just think about that much work.

    It's easy enough to start a new discussion and include a link to an old thread if that history is really important -- usually it's not. I'm on a number of Internet forums, and I'm a moderator on two other forums in addition to this one. What we sometimes refer to as "thread necromancy" is a real problem on most of them.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
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    Rick McC. (21st September 2022)

  5. #5
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    I think Hawkmoon is right.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

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