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    Aeronautical Argentine

    Without the Air Force crest and replacement barrel I'd say towards the lower range of whatever Sistemas bring in your area.

    Doran Yesterday, 02:59 Go to last post

    Aeronautical Argentine

    There is a guy on another forum that posted a sistema colt 1927 that is only 9 serial numbers higher than this one but it has the wings on the crest...and

    Welsh72 21st June 2024, 09:29 Go to last post

    Aeronautical Argentine

    Don't believe I've observed that particular style marking before but there's a wide variation in markings. Your slide possibly an overrun from another

    Doran 21st June 2024, 02:37 Go to last post

    Aeronautical Argentine

    yup I have tried to put pictures up but get a failure everytime I upload. maybe this will work.

    Welsh72 20th June 2024, 09:13 Go to last post

    Aeronautical Argentine

    Photos would help. There's some marking variations. Slides with crests but no agency are thought to be over runs or for agencies too small for a dedicated

    Doran 20th June 2024, 02:29 Go to last post

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