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Thread: Norinco's sightcuts and dovetaills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    6th January 2024
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    Norinco's sightcuts and dovetaills

    Hi all.

    Been reading most of the threads on the Norinco forum, to find out more about the front and rear sight.
    So many threads but none of them giving the info needed.
    So here we go and maybe we should make another thread and make that one a sticky for the future.

    I am the proud owner of a Norinco NP29.
    A 1911 Goverment model in 9mm

    1911 NP29.jpg

    It has a fixed rearsight and a frontsight with a dovetaill.
    From what I've read sofar the rear could be a Novac cut or a Colt cut.
    But the front seems to be something special.
    I would like to change the rear to an adjustable sight and the front to a fiber optic sight.
    Living in the netherlands has its challenges.
    Cant get Novac's overhere for some reason.
    But we do have LPA and Dawson and they have some nice sights also.
    I was thought that when you have to adjust something, always adjust the cheapest part.
    So cutting the slide versus trimming the frontsight is a no go for the slide
    That means I have to find a fiber optic frontsight that I can adjust to fit the dovetaill of my Norinco NP29.

    Can any one tell me wich frontsight will fit or can be made to fit this dovetaill??
    Please keep in mind that I will have to purchase these sights here in Europe.
    Most company's in the US, Canada or out side Europe, will not ship to the Netherlands.
    This gun will stay with me the rest of my life and after these sights have been mounted they will stay on there for ever.
    Cutting the slide to mount a standard size cut will be an overkill in cost and function , because no other sights will be mounted after these.

    I,m looking for sights like these:

    LPA Colt Target.jpg tpu45ct07.png dawson-fibrefront.jpg
    Thanks in advance for the one who comes up with the right answer.

    Greetings from Amsterdam.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    6th January 2024
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    And of course other type of sights are welcome.
    Glock 19C, Uhl WS-17, Norinco NP29, Colt AR15, Browning B525 Sporter Laminated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th January 2024
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    Hi all.
    Today had a call from one of the gunshops in Holland.
    They did some mesurements on a Norinco np29 for me.
    The rear turns out to be a 1911A1 cut
    But the front is the new standard Colt frontside dovetail that differs from Novac.
    Novac's with is 0.330 and this one is .0335
    Some one said a C-more cut?
    Now where can I find a fiber optic frontsight in this size and then 0.190 high?
    Glock 19C, Uhl WS-17, Norinco NP29, Colt AR15, Browning B525 Sporter Laminated

  4. #4
    Join Date
    6th January 2024
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    O.K here we are again.
    It turned out it is not an A1 cut on the rear but a 70s 80 and 90s cut.
    The LPA TPU40 is a straight drop in adjustable rear sight for it.
    The front however is something special
    No Colt or what.
    I did find some thing.
    Although it is airsoft but so be it.
    Hi-Capa S1 fiber frontsight.
    Drops straight in and is fixed with a very small screw.
    Hope this will help others.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    That's great information. I'm glad you were able to find sights that fit, and many thanks for sharing the information.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

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