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Thread: Charles Daly Parts Source

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Charles Daly Parts Source

    Charles Daly parts are available through Numrich.http://www.gunpartscorp.com/

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Berks County, PA - USA
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    Thanks for posting this. I still have my Tactical, although I sold my Compact last year. I might just check Numrich right now.


  3. #3
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    What's so special about Charles Daly parts? I mean unless you need a slide (with the name on it), the CD 1911s should accept standard 1911 parts.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  4. #4
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    Gi Parts in Daly

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    What's so special about Charles Daly parts? I mean unless you need a slide (with the name on it), the CD 1911s should accept standard 1911 parts.
    Well some do and some don't , arms corp.'s Advanced tactical is rock island parts

  5. #5
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    My friend, all 1911s take the same parts, there is nothing special in the parts used in Charles Daly pistols, as they were made until a couple of years ago. You can use any part you want, but you always have to keep in mind that there are no drop-in parts for the 1911s. Even parts that you think they should drop-in and work can sometimes be proven that they don't.

    Hence my question.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization
    Last edited by John; 1st May 2012 at 04:23.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Berks County, PA - USA
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    Very True, John...

    I just bought a complete slide kit for my CD Tactical so I now have a Tactical and a "regular" slide. Fits like like a factory original...but the new barrel/link and bushing will not go together with the new slide...I have the CD barrel/link and bushing in the new slide and it seems to work just fine.

    But really with some fitting, parts is parts for 1911's.
    Also, Dalys were made by ARMSCOR- who makes Rock Island- who has all kinds of parts for all their 1911's.
    They are very good people, too.

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