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Thread: 9/11 tribute - post your pictures

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Athens, Greece, Earth
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    9/11 tribute - post your pictures

    As a tribute to this 10th anniversary of the atrocious events of 9/11, I thought I would start a thread where people could post related pictures.

    Here are three I've shot back in 1982-1983. Back then I was living in NJ and studying in Stevens Tech in Hoboken. So visiting the WTC was easy, and I had a clear view of the Towers from my desk, every day.

    The pictures are from old printed copies I have (films of that era are long gone) which I scanned for the occasion.

    May the world never see such an atrocity again.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th June 2011
    Northern Virginia
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    That's phenominal. I wish I still had pics I took when I went there on a field trip in middle school. I was in 6th grade. I remember being so taken by how big they were(The towers). That whole city left me in awe. Even tho I grew up right next to DC, NYC was a whole nother ball game to me.

    Thanks for posting those pics. I hope we never forget that either. There are people that want us dead more than they want to be alive. That's commitment. I hope we never see anything approaching that level of hatred again, either.

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