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Thread: RRA Magwell question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th December 2007
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    RRA Magwell question

    I want to replace the magwell on a Limited Match with a slim version. They did this for me with another pistol, but of course they aren't doing it anymore. Does anyone know whose magwells they used? I emailed MarkZ but got no response. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th March 2006
    Grand Rapids, MI
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    Please explain "slim". Is this the thickness or height or width as in grip to grip? A photo might help.
    You could possibly call RRA and ask what they used.
    To the best of my knowledge Mark Z is no longer with RRA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    4th February 2005
    Milky Way
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    My limited match had a Smith & Alexander magwell on it.
    Here's a pic of my LM with S&A magwell.

    These magwells can be found at Brownell's. Just click on their ad banner up above.

    This should be a direct link to them.
    Lynnie, "Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. "
    - Albert Camus
    Last edited by Joni Lynn; 12th July 2011 at 21:31.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    20th December 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joni Lynn
    My limited match had a Smith & Alexander magwell on it.
    Here's a pic of my LM with S&A magwell.

    These magwells can be found at Brownell's. Just click on their ad banner up above.

    This should be a direct link to them.
    Thanks. I assume those are "slim" grips, but they don't look like S&As. Can I ask where you got them?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    4th February 2005
    Milky Way
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    You're most welcome. My gun has a standard width magwell on it, not the slim model. The grips are from Esmeralda and also standard width.
    I have long fingers and/or large hands and the standard size fits me better.
    Lynnie, "Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. "
    - Albert Camus
    Last edited by Joni Lynn; 16th July 2011 at 22:49.

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