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Thread: Airsoft Terminology

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    Airsoft Terminology

    AEG: AEG stands for Automatic Electric Gun. The electric powered mechanisms usually incorporate a battery powered motor, gear box (with assortment of gears), and circuit board which controls the the air piston assembly and mech box. These can be very complex. Are considered the highest end rifles and most powerful airsoft rifles.

    Gas Guns: Gas gun requires the use of some kind of gas propellant (usually Green Gas or HFC 134a). Both are driven by gas that is stored in the gas chamber, usually in the magazine or clip. Sub-categories of gas powered airsoft guns include "non-blowback" and "blowback" models. In a non-blowback (NBB), the gas only serves as pushing the bb forward. Also, the slide is in the fixed position. In a blowback (GBB), the gas pushes the slide as well as the bb. Here is a small clip of a G17 blowback and a USP blowback . Non-blowbacks are more efficient than blowbacks because they require less gas to push the bbs. These are great side arms during skirmishes or even as primary weapons in some games.

    Spring Guns: Spring guns require the user to cock back the spring for every shot. It does not require any batteries or gas. These models are usually the most durable and best entry level models. Although not extremely powerful and effective for "spray and Pray" techniques, great for everyday shooting.

    Magazine or Clip: This is the component of the gun where the ammo or ammunition (BBs) are stored and fed into the gun. Usually, extra magazines can be purchased separately and are very useful during game play. Standard capacity airsoft magazines are 10 to 50 round capacity. Where as high capacity airsoft magazines are 250 to 400 rounds per magazine.

    Green Gas: Standard gas that most people use for gas airsoft guns. Green gas is in a liquid form when stored under some type of pressure, such as inside the can or inside the gas chamber of an airsoft magazine. However, once its released in the atmosphere, it turns into gas.

    134A Gas: Another form of propellant for gas airsoft guns. Although very similar in purpose, this version is slightly less powerful than Green Gas. Therefore is not as popular as Green Gas with airsoft players.

    FPS: FPS stands for Feet Per Second. It is the velocity, a measurement of speed, which the gun can fire a BB. The higher the FPS the faster the airsoft gun or rifle shoots. This can be affected by the types of BB's used.

    The pellet velocity of automatic electric guns is determined in large part by the tension of their main spring and so there tends to be a stratification of values. The most common airsoft velocity limits are between 300 to 400 ft/s (90 to 120 m/s) for AEG's and 400 to 500 ft/s (120 to 150 m/s) for single shot guns (sniper rifles).

    Hop-Up: When a bb is shot from an airsoft gun, there is a friction placed on the upper side of the bb while exiting the barrel. This friction causes the bb to "spin upward" or a backwards / under spin. This mechanism is called the Hop-Up. The Hop-Up configuration determines the range of bbs or extend the effective range of an airsoft rifle. Most spring airsoft guns come equipped with "built-in" Hop Up which is not adjustable nor calibrated. However, higher end models, such as gas airsoft pistols and electric airsoft rifles can be adjusted or calibrated both to the type of BB being used and the flight path desired.

    BB: The ammo used for airsoft guns are referred to as Airsoft BB, plastic propellants, or equivalent to Airsoft Pellets. These pellets are mostly 6mm in diameter and composed of solid plastic.

    Heavy Weight: This term is referring to the weight of the airsoft gun. Heavy weight airsoft guns usually are more realistic in feel due to the weight compared to plastic guns. This can make an impressive difference in feel from a light airsoft to a heavy airsoft.

    Battery: For AEG's or Electric Airsoft Rifles, airsoft batteries are the driving force which move the gears in the gear box which moves the piston and the spring to shoot the BB out of the gun. There are mainly two types of batteries used for AEG electric airsoft rifles:[/b]

    NiCd: Standing for Nickel Cadmium. NiCad batteries are great economic choices for your average AEG or electric airsoft rifle. They can be charged quickly and have a high discharge rate, allowing for high performance. Their two main shortcomings are (1) the limited capacity of the battery, as well as (2) battery memory. Please keep in mind, the ROF (Rate of Fire) will slowly go down as the battery power drains away. It is highly recommended that you discharge NiCd's completely before recharging them to avoid "memory" (which is when a battery will not charge above a certain point ... laptops and cell phones do this too). If properly conditioned, a NiCad battery can have a very high capacity and a high discharge rate, resulting in the "Perfect Battery".

    NiMh: Standing for Nickel Metal Hydride. NiMh batteries generally have a higher mAh (milli Amp Hours) or capacity than Ni-CD Batteries and don't develop "memory" as easily as NiCd Batteries. Rather than providing a large spike of energy at the peak of charge and then slowly dropping, NiMh batteries will provide you with a more consistent RoF (rate of fire), all the way until the battery has little to no charge left. Remember that with NiMh batteries you will need a COMPATIBLE charger for them (DuraTrax or Systema). Please keep in mind, NiMH batteries can not be as quickly charged there must be charged accordingly. Not doing so will fry or ruin the battery!

    Upgrade Spring: Internal upgrades which allow for a higher tension spring which pushes the piston forward at a faster rate. In the end resulting in higher FPS.

    Steel Spring Guide Rod: Bearing Spring Guide for quicker and more efficient spring compression as well as guaranteed performance under combat stress

    Cylinder: It allows better air flow and compression. Port allows for efficient and complete decompression of chamber prior to next cycle

    Piston Head & Piston: The piston head attaches to the front of the piston in the airsoft gear box. The piston head can improve performance by allowing better air flow and compression while allowing for more efficient decompression of the airsoft cylinder chamber. The piston sits between the piston head and the spring. It engages the gears in the mech box which drives the piston and piston head back compressing the spring.

    Gears: Increases rate of fire, durability under stress, and decreases noise level. Different airsoft upgrade gears will provide various results. For example the Systema Helical Gear Set will increase durability due to its helical gears instead of flat gears. The Systema Helical Torque Up Gear Set will allow for more torque to pull a higher tension spring while still allowing for durability. Of course this will decrease ROF (Rate of Fire).

    Bushings: A removable cylindrical lining for the gears in the mech box (as of a mechanical part) used to limit and resist abrasion and friction between gear and airsoft gear box.

    Motor: The main unit in an AEG or electric airsoft gun which moves the piston back. This exists in the highest end models as well as the lowest entry level mini electric models. It is responsible for turning the gears, which in turns drives the piston, which in turn is pushed forward by the spring.

    (courtesy of Airsplat.com)
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization
    Last edited by John; 6th August 2005 at 01:43.

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