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Thread: Wei Tech M1911A1 problem

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st December 2008
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    Wei Tech M1911A1 problem

    when I shoot my new we Tech M1911A1 (item Nr.WE-PS-M1911C-ME
    on WGS Shop) the slide stop tries to leave the small hole on the frame.
    it's like it tries to dissasemble itself
    please advice on what could be the reason. maybe I have to buy a new slide stop...
    Last edited by martishkata; 21st December 2008 at 03:42.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Athens, Greece, Earth
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    How did you figure that? I mean the slide stop can't get out of place, unless the slide stop is aligned with the semi-circular cut at the left side of the slide. In all other places the slide stop is held in place by the slide. How did you figure out that it wants to come out?
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  3. #3
    Join Date
    21st December 2008
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    i made some pictures. hope it is clearer now.

    1) before shooting the pistol - http://www.snimka.bg/album.php?album...68&pid=9547217
    2) after shooting the pistol - http://www.snimka.bg/album.php?album...68&pid=9547218
    3) with an envelope sticked between the frame and the slide stop - http://www.snimka.bg/album.php?album...68&pid=9547219

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Is that the slide stop that came with the pistol? I would suggest you replace it, it seems as if the edge which keeps it inside the frame (at the top rear-most of the slide release) is not doing its job.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

  5. #5
    Join Date
    21st March 2009
    Portland OR
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    I know this is an old thread and with any luck you wont need the info that I have for you here.

    the reason that your slide stop is trying to fall out is because you are missing the little pin that holds it in place. If you look just behind your slide stop you will see your plunger tube assembly. there are usually two pins in that separated by a spring and youi have lost the one that meshes with your slide stop. If you replace that piece you'll be set
    Last edited by Mobius1; 26th March 2009 at 23:55.

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