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Thread: Military 1911 Gauges

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th December 2024
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    Military 1911 Gauges

    In https://forum.m1911.org/showthread.p...-ACP-for-M1911, there are questions about military issue headspace gauges for the M1911A1 pistol, and the below pictured gauge is shown. As most of you probably already know, that gauge was used to check serviceability of the barrel bushing, as shown in pics 2 and 3. The end marked 'F' is used to measure out-of-roundness in the ID of the bushing. The end marked 'E' is a No-Go gauge used to check for wear. During the time that we were working on 1911s in the Army, I used those gauges frequently. There are three additional gauges that were issued for the pistol: a snap gauge to measure the diameter of the slide stop shaft, another snap gauge whose purpose eludes me, and another plug gauge which I also cannot recall the use for - all depicted in the line drawing shown below. Google was less than helpful, so I'm asking here if anyone can recall what the additional two gauges (one plug, one snap) are used for.

    Bbl Bushing Gauge.jpgGauge2.jpgGauge3.jpg
    Retired, twice. Now just waiting for the reaper.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th June 2004
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    I have a dwg of a GO/NOGO snap gauge for BUTTPIECE CUT THICKNESS OF WALL dated 13dec12

    The other gauge in the link you posted for gauging the slide.

    For some reason I'm unable to get a photo uploaded.

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