I just wandered in, and decided it's past time that I joined up. Not new; not new to 1911s or guns in general. Used to build NM M1911A1 pistols for Uncle Sam about 100 years ago - or so it seems. More of an accumulator than a collector, and have actually begun to thin the herd so that my estate is less burdensome to the family once I'm gone. After all, you can only shoot two handguns at once! 
The wife and I live in the Houston, TX, metro area; we settled here after I retired the end of 2021. We lived in Texas before - along with a lot of other places. A career in the Army is like that. I'm hoping to refresh the brain cells on a bunch of stuff that I knew but have forgotten, and to learn as much as I can, as well!
Retired, twice. Now just waiting for the reaper.