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Thread: Para Ordnance 14-45 LDA Double Stack grip screw size?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    14th July 2024
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    Para Ordnance 14-45 LDA Double Stack grip screw size?

    Hello all,

    The grip screws on my new to me Para 14-45 LDA Double Stack are much larger than all my other regular single stack 1911's.
    Do they use a size only for my particular Para?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th June 2004
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    Do you mean larger diameter or longer length or both?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    All Para-Ordnance and ParaUSA double stacks use different grip screws from single stack 1911s. The double stack Paras don't use grip screw bushings.
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