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Thread: New here, with a new .45ACP squeeze

  1. #1
    Join Date
    12th July 2024
    Posts liked by others

    New here, with a new .45ACP squeeze

    Hi peeps! I had a 1911 Commander clone a few decades ago and kicked myself for selling it, but it was necessary at the time. I was running Wilson mags in it btw, zero hassles, as you can well imagine.

    A few weeks ago after wanting an Officer's model for CC and to replace my old Commander, I purchased this new ROCK ECS .45ACP. The grips have been upgraded to VZ/Wilson Combat G10 grips. So far, I don't forsee any mods until I get about 500 rounds through it, aside from a magwell that will compliment the Flat-Bottom grips it now wears. Hoping to install the Chen SI Magwell. The slide to frame fit is amazingly good, and runs like it's a bank vault door on ball bearings. Nice trigger...and I've only had a few magazines through it, so breaking-in is far from complete. I did purchase a few Ed Brown mags that fit and function better than the ACT magazine that the sidearm shipped with. Here it is. Thank you for the forum here, btw.

    Likes (1) :
    Buckshot Bill (22nd July 2024)

    Last edited by OnePingOnly; 13th July 2024 at 00:19.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th June 2004
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    Welcome to the forum. Nice looking pistol.

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