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Thread: Charles Daly 45acp safety selector problem

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st July 2023
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    Charles Daly 45acp safety selector problem

    Brand new Field grade. Have not disassembled. Just getting used to it. First thing I object to is safety selector. Chamber empty, magazine (empty) installed n hammer cocked. Using my right thumb I attempt to set safety ON. Selector moves upward 80% of its total travel. The remaining 20% takes an more thumb strength than I have to complete the SafetyOn position. Being NEW is there a break in??? Would not think so!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    There can be some break-in for the thumb safety. Its operation involves two metal parts rubbing against each other. That said, it shouldn't be so difficult that you can't do it one-handed.

    If you know how to remove the thumb safety, I would suggest putting a bit of light grease (not oil) on it, reassemble, and operate the safety a lot (like a few hundred cycles).
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #3
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    Must do a complete disassembly anyway, so this will be on my to do list. BUT...this is a detail CD should have taken into account before giving it a passing grade. My RIA Compact 45acp worked like a dream right out of the box.

  4. #4
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    Charles Daly has been out of business for well over ten years. I believe their 1911s were made by Armscor, in the Philippines. In any mass-produced product, some will be fitted and finished better than others. I have encountered 1911s with stiff thumb safeties, and I have encountered others with safeties that were so loosey-goosey that I didn't consider them safe.

    The real mystery is how you found a new Charles Daly in 2023.

    Aha -- mystery solved. The Charles Daly brand has been bought by Chiappa, and they now offer three models of 1911 made in Italy. The fact that they are made by Chiappa explains everything. I have handled and shot Chiappa's .22-caliber 1911(-ish) pistol. I've seen pot metal, blank-firing guns that were better quality.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
    Last edited by Hawkmoon; 2nd July 2023 at 14:52.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Read my more recent post re stiff slide. There might be some common ground between both posts.

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