There hasn't been any activity on the Para-Ordnance serial number look-up list for quite a long while, but I just received a PM from a member with the data for his pistol, which I have now added to the list. As a reminder ... is attempting to create a built date look-up list as a reference for our members and for others. Here's where we introduced the request for data:

In entering the new pistol, I realized that life apparently intervened and I hadn't completed work on the list. The problem with it is that the original list was apparently compiled by adding each new entry at the end, with no attempt made to add guns to the list in serial number order. That's not very helpful when trying to look up a serial number to get an idea of when it was built, so I set out to sort it by serial number.

Except that it's a Word document, and not even a table. There's no way to sort it automatically, so to reorganize it I have to manually cut and paste each entry into where it belongs, by serial number. It looks like I had gotten about halfway through the process. Now that I have the list open again, I'll do some more work on it and hope that perhaps this time I'll finish it. Once that happens, I'll consult with El Comandante about the best way to make the data available to the community as a resource.

How can YOU help?

Send me the data for your Para-Ordnance and ParaUSA pistols. If you bought your pistol used and it doesn't have the brown envelope with the fired case, please give Remington a call or drop them an e-mail and ask for the build date for your pistol. If your gun is a Para-Ordnance pistol, made in Canada, the information you get from Remington is probably going to be wrong, but it's still information we can add to the database. Remingtom claims their information for guns made after 2012 is absolutely accurate. I'm not sure I believe that, but the more data we can collect the better we;ll know.

Please send me your data.