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Thread: 1943 Rand 1911A1

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    17th April 2023
    Pawleys Island, SC
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    1943 Rand 1911A1

    This pistol belonged to my second cousin COL Walter K. Bennett, who retired as a BN CO in the 82 ABD in 1974. When I got my Commission as an Army 2LT in 1981 he not only presented me with my Commission but he gave me this pistol as a Commissioning present. He carried it all through WWII and Korea and lets just say it did not just stay in his holster either time. Not a clue how many rounds have been through it, but I shot it with some regularity until about 10 years ago. Since I have 2 other modern 1911's I do not see any point in risking cracking a frame or damaging any part on an irreplaceable 80 year old pistol. It is still in amazingly good mechanical and cosmetic condition given its age and those are, to the best of my knowledge, original grips.

    1943 1911A1.jpg
    Likes (1) :
    bayoned (17th May 2023)

    Last edited by OldSlabSides; 18th April 2023 at 15:43.

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