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Thread: Reloading Steel Cases

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th September 2010
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    Reloading Steel Cases

    I recently purchased a bag of once fired .45 brass from a trusted source. Mixed in with this brass was 10 cases of boxer primed steel cases (and you trust this guy haha), which I tossed, under the impression that steel cases were not reloadable. I got to thinking that I have read you can reload them but not get as many firings from them. Curiosity got the best of me and I sized and reloaded the 10 cases. As far as sizing and bullet seating, the only difference that I noticed was that it took ever so slightly a little more effort to size the case, the force used expanding and seating the bullet was comparable to my brass cases. Has anyone here reloaded steel case .45 ACP? I assume sizing steel cases is harder on your sizing die? For what it's worth the steel cases were a mix of Hornady and Federal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Alabama, US
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    Like you, I have loaded a few just to see if it could be done, I ran them three cycles and they did ok.
    But in general, I don't use them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I do not plan on going out of my way to use them, but then again, it's nice to know that there is an alternative should brass cases become unavailable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    16th May 2011
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    Steel cases cases tend to be hard on the dies, but aluminium cases have been reloaded (not by me) a few times before being discarded or shot at a lost brass match.

    Aluminium don't 'spring back' like brass.

    Steel cases are not worth the effort.
    Stercus Accidit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    15th September 2010
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    Thanks for the info, I had to assume that they would be hard on the dies, I guess if somebody was to insist on loading them, some case lube would be in order I would imagine.

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