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Thread: Magtech Primers

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th September 2010
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    Magtech Primers

    I recently picked up some Magtech primers. Has anybody here used them or have an opinion about them? I have purchased their loaded ammunition before and was very happy with it and I assume their primers are of the same quality. Reviews that I have read about their primers are all favorable. Primers are still a rare commodity in my area and my local gun shop had them along with another brand that I would not be willing to use.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th November 2004
    Central Montana
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    Magtech primers were available here before the panic. I've yet to hear any complaints from local shooters. Magtech ammo is available here and seems to be fine.
    Custom Caspian 1911 45 ACP Compensated, Kimber 1911 Team Match II 45 ACP, Springfield Stainless Loaded Target 1911 9mm, Cz Czechmate 75 TS 9mm Major.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th September 2010
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    Thanks for your reply. Magtech ammo is fine, and I have purchased their loaded ammo many times. This is my first time buying their primers, so far I am happy with them. I am relatively new to reloading, I have only been at it ten years (as opposed to decades for some members here!) and to show how supply availability has changed, when I first went to buy Unique at my favorite gun shop, I asked if they had any...their reply after giving me a strange look was "why wouldn't we have it"?! If only it was like that now!!!

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