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Thread: CMP 1911 Round 3

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    CMP 1911 Round 3

    I missed out on the first two rounds and have come to regret it after seeing many pictures posted around the web. I'm throwing my hat in the ring this go around.

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    Frgood (15th September 2022)

  2. #2
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    How many available in this round?

  3. #3
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    I haven't read anything on how many. Did they say how many were available for the previous two rounds?

    EDIT: Over on the CMP forum someone claims there will be 40000 +/- available after round 2.
    Last edited by BrettID; 2nd September 2022 at 14:29.

  4. #4
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    I beiieve ~8000 in the first round. I never heard how many in the second round.

  5. #5
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    According to this Rand Corporation link; https://www.rand.org/content/dam/ran...AND_RR2568.pdf

    There will be 10k a year as authorized by each years (NDAA). This report is from 2019. The 1911 stuff starts at page 123. Pretty good read in regards to the grading. Both from the Army's and CMP's perspective.

    I was fantasizing about the Range Grade and being lucky enough to end up with a MEUSOC pistol. But considering these are from the Army I have my doubts. Although I believe I've read several folks have received 1911's that were formerly in the Navy's inventory, subsequently transferred to the Army. The info coming from via FOIA request. So I guess it's possible. But not knowing how that works or even what the USMC did with theirs. I have my doubts. But the description of Range Grade certainly fits.

  6. #6
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    Thank you for posting that link.

    I believe all 1911 pistols ultimately ended up in a single centralized facility for storage when the armed services replaced them with M9s. That would explain known Navy, etc pistols available.

    From photos and pistols I've observed there appears to be broad criteria when grading pistols. One auction grade US&S shown to me was mismatched slide/frame with mostly non-US&S parts, refinished.

  7. #7
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    Yes it would seem you are correct after doing some reading over at the cmp forum. All the 1911's end up in one facility. It's the USMC ones that have been a small percentage. So far FOIA requests from USMC yield nothing as the procedure is to purge records after 3 years. The facility referenced as "Crane" is where USMC records of a different sort are logged and FOIA requests from them have been denied.

    Also I agree a broad criteria for grading. My interpolation of the Rand report stating the Army grading is A through H. The "A" grade is what has made it to the first two rounds out of CMP. I couldn't determine quantity of the A grade. So no idea if round 3 will still be A grade. Then comes the CMP grading method. I've not seen or read of an example of Rack grade that I would not have been happy with. But I don't recall any frame/slide combos that match being other than service grade. Interesting that you mention an auction grade being mismatched though.

    Yesterday I read of one lucky dog getting a matching Colt M1911 made in 1918.

    Just rambling while consuming morning coffee. By my math interpretation of the previous rounds I'll see my round three 1911 around February of 2024...

  8. #8
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    The pistol had a US&S frame and slide but the location of the slide P proof stamp varies with the serial range. This pistol had a slide marked too early or late for the frame; I don't remember now which way. Small parts from different mfrs and the entire pistol refinished light grey. The gentleman told me he'd paid $4500 thru the auction.

  9. #9
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    I appreciate the link.

    After not participating in the 1st 2 rounds, I decided to submit my paperwork for this round. Higher prices and an additional grade is part of round 3.

    Wish they offered the magazines again - but I guess they are all sold out.
    Likes (1) :
    BrettID (5th September 2022)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doran View Post
    The pistol had a US&S frame and slide but the location of the slide P proof stamp varies with the serial range. This pistol had a slide marked too early or late for the frame; I don't remember now which way. Small parts from different mfrs and the entire pistol refinished light grey. The gentleman told me he'd paid $4500 thru the auction.

    It is details like that is why I quit shopping for a WWII 1911 awhile back. I was afeared I'd find out later I paid too much. I did end up educating myself somewhat on RR and now have a general idea. But still, there is a lot to know.

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