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Thread: Here's one I never considered

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    Here's one I never considered

    7.62x25 Tokarov in a 1911.


    It turns out the case rim diameter is the same as 9mm, so with just a conversion barrel you could make this swap using a 9mm or .38 Super slide, and a .38 Super magazine. I think if I were doing it I'd probably handload to get ammunition with the same C.O.A.L. as .38 Super so the rounds will fit properly in the magazine -- as the article states, the 7.62x25 is too long to fit a standard .38 Super magazine at the proper angle -- to go in the magazine the rounds have to be loaded severely "nose high."

    I'm off to see if any of those conversion barrels are still available.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th June 2004
    Alabama, US
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    That one just cropped up on another board and repeats all the drawbacks I had heard about before.
    Handloading would be the fix.

    Consider that a .38 Super will drive a 90 grain bullet over 1500 fps and I expect a 9x23 would beat that.
    Likes (1) :
    Sergio Natali (23rd July 2022)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    Unfortunately, the barrels no longer seem to be available from either Numrich or J&G.

    Probably just as well. I don't really need another caliber to load for.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

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