A few years ago, I bought this Colt XSE Combat Commander.
It came with two mags. One a standard 7-rounder, the other an 8-rounder with one of those v-shaped followers. I picked up a couple more 8-rounders (as I remember). I remember (it was a few years ago) having some problems with the 8-rounders... last cartridge, or next to the last not entering the chamber all the way. After a lot of reading about 8-round magazines, I bought kits to reduce all the mags to 7-rounds and sought-out "dimpled" followers... as J.B. had originally designed. Here are the three types of followers I have now They all are 7-rounders, and most have the dimples. The bodies are Checkmate, Mecgar, and G.I. Function in my XSE is 100%, and has been since converting them to 7-rounds. I see little point in chasing the ever elusive high-end magazine that provides an increased round-count.