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Thread: 1911 A1 MS reassembly

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th September 2021
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    Question 1911 A1 MS reassembly

    I had this problem before, but I've forgotten what I did to fix it. When reassembling, I can't get the slide to go on completely. It feels like the guide rod is hitting something, leaving the slide about a half-inch from going on completely. I think the guide rod/spring won't stay down, and it's causing the barrel link to be out of place. Has this happened to anyone else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The link must be in the forward position (not to the rear).

  3. #3
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    If you are stopped a half inch short of where it's supposed to be, it's more likely that the barrel has rotated just a fraction. Take the slide off and be sure the barrel link is perfectly centered.

    Contrary to what Bushranger wrote, when putting the slide back on the frame the link does have to be to the rear. If it's not, the guide rod can't be properly positioned. I think he's referring to when you put the barrel into the slide.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  4. #4
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    I appreciate the suggestions, but now it's worse. I tried moving the link to the rear. When I tried to put the slide on, there was a loud "clunk" sound and now the slide is frozen, still not in the correct place, but I am unable to move it either way.

  5. #5
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    Here is a step-by-step. Pay particular attention to the picture in step 2 where his is sliding the slide on to the frame. Note the position of the link.


  6. #6
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    This is a great link on the subject, but it doesn't help me. I can't move the slide that far to the rear. It's hitting something. I think the guide rod is hitting the lower frame instead of sliding into the slot (just in front of the mag well. Another thing. When I depress the guide rod/spring, it pops back up, knocking the barrel link to the rear. This might put the end of the guide rod slightly out of alignment, preventing it from entering the slot in the lower frame. This is frustrating.

  7. #7
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    I did not pick up on the fact that yours is a "midsize". The guide rod and spring require special consideration to reassemble (a clip to hold the spring and guide rod in place).
    Here is a video that shows the procedure. The YouTube video is a complete assembly (frame also), but what you are interested in starts at about 4:00 of the video.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Wilson View Post
    This is a great link on the subject, but it doesn't help me. I can't move the slide that far to the rear. It's hitting something. I think the guide rod is hitting the lower frame instead of sliding into the slot (just in front of the mag well.
    The guide rod doesn't enter that slot. That slot is for the barrel link.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  9. #9
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    When I disassembled the gun, I didn't remove the guide rod/spring assemble. A the point in the video where he says, "Make sure the barrel is sitting correctly . . . ", I noticed that the guide rod/spring seem to be sitting flat. On mine, the guide rod/spring assembly has popped up, pushing the barrel link backwards. It seems to me that the guide rod should be riding flat in the groove. I can push it down, but it pops back up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    12th October 2021
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    Greetings, I just registered to post on this thread!

    I picked up one of the Rural King RIA 1911A1 10mm's from my LGS, on Thursday--so I'm still
    "learning" it.

    Edit: I'm making an assumption, here--that you have one of the RIA 'fat muzzle', bushingless
    pistols, with the "non-traditional" recoil spring/guide rod/plug arrangements.

    One difficulty on reassembly I have found, is the captured spring/plug assembly on the
    guide rod, can rotate out of alignment. I don't have the pistol in front of me and don't
    know the correct nomenclature, so bear with me.

    There's semi-circular cut-out at base of recoil spring guide rod, and there's a semi-
    circular aspect to the plug/bushing (piece that's retained by your paper clip). Those
    semi-circular bits need to be aligned with each other, along length of the assembly,
    or the slide will not push far enough onto frame, to assemble.

    I'm still getting used to the system, but it seems to actually work quite well,
    compared to traditional bushing & plug system. It removes the 'fight the
    recoil spring as you do this' aspect---just lock slide back, insert paper clip
    and release slide lock...slip slide back (no recoil spring tension, and this
    10mm has a pretty beefy spring) to disassembly notch, and press (lightly!)
    the slide stop from frame. Slip slide/barrel/RSA off as unit.

    Reassembly, same--slip slide/barrel/RSA onto frame, align disassembly notch
    and barrel link and press slide stop home. Pull (compress recoil spring) slide
    back to slide lock, remove (now untensioned) paper clip, and done!
    Last edited by SteveRIA10; 12th October 2021 at 22:05.

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