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Thread: 1949 Colt Government Question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th August 2021
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    1949 Colt Government Question

    Greetings all! I have a Colt Government 45 S/N: C239232 which dates it at 1949. This pistol is nickel plated. I think if it was factory plated it would have an added label on the box stating so. Which makes me wonder if it an after purchase plating.
    Any input would be appreciated! Thanks
    PS I'm retired military and work for a large gun shop doing their internet firearms sales. So my research on this pistol is determining a fair internet price.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th March 2006
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    Welcome to the Forum,
    The box looks to me like a reproduction. What is printed on the wax paper? I've not seen any type of printing on 40-50's era heavy wax paper. As far as the nickel is concerned only a Colt Archive letter will definitively tell if the pistol left the factory in nickel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    The box is a reproduction and the pistol looks refinished. With that in mind, about $1250-1500 tops... seems about right to me. BTW, it looks more like chrome than nickel, too.
    A lot of people ruin old .45s by trying to improve them.
    Last edited by Scott Gahimer; 10th September 2021 at 21:02.

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