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Thread: Under 6 Club

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd November 2004
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    Under 6 Club

    Hopefully this is the right forum for posting this challenge ?

    We started this challenge on another forum I belong to, so I thought it might be fun to initiate one here exclusive to members from this site.

    For those interested, it's a ten round, twenty-five yard centerfire offhand pistol, or revolver challenge.

    Any target of your choice, we go by group size .

    Object, again try to get under six inches with ten rounds offhand at 25 yd., with your target posted online.

    U.S.M.C. Scout Sniper, Viet-Nam 67-68

    Last edited by Vanhahner; 16th May 2021 at 11:31.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    3rd September 2018
    Modesto, Ca.
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    I do like the idea. Those of us who use indoor ranges seldom have the availability of a 25 yard distance from the firing line to the target. In fact, my local range is just 10 yards. How about shrinking down the group size to include the indoors shooters?
    i sold all my handguns. . . . . . . . . . except for the 1911 style pistols in .45 ACP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuyModesto View Post
    In fact, my local range is just 10 yards. How about shrinking down the group size to include the indoors shooters?
    You may want to start a 10 yard challenge of your own, not a problem ! (go for it !)

    U.S.M.C. Scout Sniper, Viet-Nam 67-68

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuyModesto View Post
    I do like the idea. Those of us who use indoor ranges seldom have the availability of a 25 yard distance from the firing line to the target. In fact, my local range is just 10 yards. How about shrinking down the group size to include the indoors shooters?
    Simple enough. 10 yards is 2/5 of 25 yards. 6 inches x 2/5 is 2.4 inches.

    That said, every indoor range I have seen (all four of them) go to 25 yards, and there are a couple in my area that go to 50 yards. The range I usually shoot at offers up to 25 yards, but most people shoot handguns at 25 to 50 feet -- it's very rare to see anyone shooting at the 75-foot mark.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
    Likes (2) :
    MuyModesto (18th May 2021), Rick McC. (19th May 2021)

  5. #5
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    U.S.M.C. Scout Sniper, Viet-Nam 67-68

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkmoon View Post
    it's very rare to see anyone shooting at the 75-foot mark.

    NRA Precision Pistol: " Bullseye targets at 25 and 50 yards (23 and 46 m), respectively, takes considerable training to achieve proficiency. The most common centerfire pistol is the M1911 design, usually built and accurized by a gunsmith. While many shooters use the M1911 for the centerfire stages of competition. Bullseye pistol is unique to the US and matches are shot under NRA rules for conventional pistol. Most tournaments and many of the leagues are NRA-sanctioned. "

    ISSF 25 meter competition center-fire pistol allows many centerfire cartridges, but the most popular one is the .32 S&W Long.
    U.S.M.C. Scout Sniper, Viet-Nam 67-68

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanhahner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkmoon
    it's very rare to see anyone shooting at the 75-foot mark.
    NRA Precision Pistol: " Bullseye targets at 25 and 50 yards (23 and 46 m), respectively, takes considerable training to achieve proficiency. The most common centerfire pistol is the M1911 design, usually built and accurized by a gunsmith. While many shooters use the M1911 for the centerfire stages of competition. Bullseye pistol is unique to the US and matches are shot under NRA rules for conventional pistol. Most tournaments and many of the leagues are NRA-sanctioned. "

    ISSF 25 meter competition center-fire pistol allows many centerfire cartridges, but the most popular one is the .32 S&W Long.
    You took my statement out of context. I was describing what takes place at the indoor range where I shoot. The range extends to 75 feet (25 yards), but virtually nobody shoots at that distance. Ever.

    I am well aware of NRA Bullseye competition. I have been asking the range owner to start a Bullseye competition there, but there hasn't been any interest shown by any of the other members.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
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    Vanhahner (19th May 2021)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the reply !
    While the NRA & ISSF Bullseye competition is one handed, the Under 6 Competition is a modification of that event, to where we use two hands while holding in off hand position !

    U.S.M.C. Scout Sniper, Viet-Nam 67-68

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