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Thread: And it still 'Shoots' ,,,,,

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th April 2011
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    And it still 'Shoots' ,,,,,

    Friend of a friend was at the range and said his weapon's trigger pull was a little 'gritty'. A quick disassemble ,,,,, left no doubt as to why. And was accurate to boot.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    Oh ... my ... gawd!

    When was that pistol last cleaned -- just before the battle of Belleau Wood?
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #3
    Join Date
    13th April 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkmoon View Post
    Oh ... my ... gawd!

    When was that pistol last cleaned -- just before the battle of Belleau Wood?

    Hawk ,,,,,, can’t answer that. The gentleman bought the weapon used many years ago from a gun store in Denver. The pistol was tuned for a competition gun. However, the current owner kept it in his truck and carried it while guiding elk hunters. Look close at the upper middle of the sear, there’s an elk hair protruding.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    28th September 2021
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    The takeaway here is that the 1911 is like an ak, right? Give it a dirt bath, sprinkle a bit of elk blood, maybe drag it behind your truck, and it will still fire.
    Likes (2) :
    Firecontrol90 (3rd October 2021), Mark75H (28th September 2021)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rode hard and put away wet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    6th April 2014
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    Not really surprising at all. There are far more 1911’s out there that have never had a detail strip done on them than 1911’s that have.
    NRA Benefactor Life Member, GOA Member, MGO Member
    Likes (2) :
    Keith1 (23rd January 2022), Mark75H (2nd October 2021)

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