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Thread: New to me Sig STX

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st February 2010
    North Carolina
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    New to me Sig STX

    About a month ago, I picked up an STX at a very reasonable price. It had a couple issues, the scratch, I had to restake the plunger tube, the slide lock was suspect (I think the original was replaced as the color of the stainless looked different.), the clearance from bushing to barrel was a little loose for me. It came with a full recoil rod with what looks to be the original flat spring. Restaked the plunger tube, installed a new extended slide lock, installed an EGW barrel bushing. The gun shot amazing, but the beautiful burl maple grips seemed just a little too thick for me, so I changed to a set of G10 slim grips. The gun feels amazing now and fits my hands perfect.

    Colt Series 70 Combat Commander (1972) Dad borrowed and won't give back :-(
    Colt Series 70 Government (1976)
    Colt Series 80 SS Gold Cup National Match (1994)
    Colt Series 80 SS Combat Commander (1993)
    Likes (1) :
    John (14th April 2021)

    Last edited by CrashClint; 17th March 2021 at 11:39.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th August 2011
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    Congrats, looks great.

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