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Thread: Flatwire Recoil Springs

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th January 2008
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    Flatwire Recoil Springs

    Has anyone tried the Wilson Flatwire recoil springs in their 1911? I just dropped the last standard spring that I have in my CQB Compact and need to order some more springs. I know Wilson advertises these as having a longer service life, anyone with firsthand experience with them able to verify?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th July 2005
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    I tried them on a Full Size Colt when Wilson first introduced them.
    They work, But the gun gets that crunchy Glock feeling when you pull the slide back.
    Also I found the spring has to be completely on the their rear guide rod or the slide binds up when you put it on the frame.
    Then you have to take the slide off and start again.
    Once assembled it's fine.

    I ditched them and prefer a Wolff Conventional recoil spring.
    Wolff also includes a fresh firing pin spring with each recoil spring.

    If your shooting competition and put alot of rounds through your gun each year, it might be worth it.
    But not for me.
    Likes (1) :
    MuyModesto (14th November 2020)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th April 2014
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    I prefer round wire in my 5” guns and Commanders. I do use the flat wires in my 4” Wilson’s. The last flat wire that I needed to replace was at 4,000 rounds. I normally replace my flat wires at 3,000 or so. Wilson does have an inflated number as to how long they will last, at least in my opinion. They do last longer than a standard round wire spring.
    NRA Benefactor Life Member, GOA Member, MGO Member

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd October 2006
    Weeki Wachee, Fl
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    I have one in a Sig Ultra (3.3” 1911).

    It came with a flat wire recoil spring, which runs great, and the pistol is easily reassembled.

    I also have flat wire recoil assemblies in all of my S&W M&P’s, which run flawlessly. The oldest was bought in 2007, has been used very heavily, and still has the original recoil assembly.
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer
    Last edited by Rick McC.; 15th November 2020 at 19:46.

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