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Thread: Wc kz-45

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th October 2020
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    Wc kz-45

    Any love for the WC KZ-45 5"? I recently picked one up at my LGS. Like new, Polished SS Slide and 12 magazines. I am not familiar with this model, build date in 2003. What is the going value for it? Opinions and thanks in advance.

    Took it to the range and it shoots great and accurate as it should be for WC quality.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th July 2005
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    The KZ 45 was a high cap 45 made by Wilson. The frame was a Polymer frame, which was something totally off the hook for a 1911 to have at that time. But I think the frame was out sourced to another company for them.
    I had one. It was a good gun. Not very expensive compared to other Wilson models.
    I think eventually the frames dryed up for one reason or another and Wilson stopped producing them.
    Slap a fresh recoil and firing pin spring in yours and enjoy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th June 2004
    Alabama, US
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    Treasure those dozen magazines, Wilson doesn't sell them any more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    28th September 2008
    Northern Italy
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    I owned one several years ago.
    Good pistol, certainly sturdy and less prone to scratches and blemishes, but it didn't have the elegant beauty of a classic 1911.
    I sold it to an acquaintance who was looking for a double stack to carry.
    Originality can't be restored, so put "originality" at the top of a priority list. If JMB didn't put it on the 1911 you don't need it.

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