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Thread: American Classic XB

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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Also no worries I just figured you might know if they work together or not I didn't know yours was a single stack thank you very much for the information if you find out if they can fit please reply and let me know I'm trying to purchase extra magazine

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Many of you know that Remington purchased ParaUSA, and continued to make double stack 1911s for a few years after the purchase. Then they stopped making the double stacks. Maybe three (??) years ago, they again had some double stack models on display at the SHOT Show. They looked just like the former ParaUSA pistols, but Remington had somehow tweaked the magazines to increase the capacity by one found. The word from the staff working the Remington exhibit at SHOT was that the new magazines "should" work in Para pistols -- but they might not.

    And, as of this morning -- there are no double stack 1911 pistols shown on the Remington web site.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #13
    Join Date
    1st May 2021
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    I just watched a video of a guy shooting a Remington r1 limited with the 15 round magazine double stack look into it and let me know if you think the Remington magazine the 16 round magazine will work with my 14 round magazine American classic xB

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshbman View Post
    I just watched a video of a guy shooting a Remington r1 limited with the 15 round magazine double stack look into it and let me know if you think the Remington magazine the 16 round magazine will work with my 14 round magazine American classic xB
    There is no way to know unless you try. The Remington double stacks ARE ParaUSA pistols (supposedly), and yet even the new Remington magazines and the older para magazines are not 100% interchangeable. The Armscor double stack 1911s were reverse engineered from Para-Ordnance pistols, and Para mags don't always work in the Armscor pistols. The Metro Arms pistol was NOT reverse engineered from a Para, so it's simply not possible to make a valid judgment by just looking at pictures of the magazines.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Yeah I completely understand that it was like $36 for that double stack Remington 16 round 45 ACP magazine and they look super familiar I was just hoping somebody might know but yeah I didn't want to blow the money on it and it not fit even though I'm sure I can return it I just wanted to figure out before I purchase thank you very much for the response

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