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Thread: Trump 45

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    31st May 2020
    Atlanta GA
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    Trump 45

    I just bought a new Trump 45. I think its pretty nice. I would like to get some input on these guns. Are they going to worth anything in the future? Im sure thats a loaded question and very debatable,I'm just dying to shoot in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As a general rule, commemoratives don't hold much value to collectors. For example, a gussied up Belleau Wood Colt 1911 commemorative probably isn't going to be worth nearly as much as a genuine, military issue M1911 from WW1.

    Have you discovered our on-line "ezine" yet? The recent Winter edition included a report on this year's SHOT Show. One of the things our roving reporter noted was that a great many 1911 manufacturers seem to be relying on paint schemes to set their guns apart from the competition. I suppose that's to be expected, and maybe it's even inevitable. The 1911 design is now 109 years old, and every year there seem to be more -- not fewer -- companies making and selling them. The 1911 is a simple, rugged, proven design, so they would be crazy to depart too much from the design in any mechanical way. So how else can they make their gun say "Notice ME!" other than bells, whistles, and fancy paint jobs?

    The Trump 45 is basically a fancy paint job. Under the paint it's a 1911. I doubt there will be much (if any) collector value to it down the road, so go ahead and shoot it.

    Link to the SHOT Show report: https://ezine.m1911.org/showthread.p...ow-2020-Report
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
    Likes (2) :
    PolyKahr (8th June 2020), Rick McC. (31st May 2020)

  3. #3
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    Will it be worth anything in the future? My crystal ball is broken so I cannot tell you. But it will be worth more, unfired, new in the box that if it is shot. Enjoy owning it! Welcome to the forum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Its not painted.I have seen other guns that were painted and they looks cheap. Yeah....it isnt a low number make. Yep its getting shot
    Thanks Barry
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    Rick McC. (31st May 2020), Tider6972 (8th June 2020)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Enjoy it Sir. In my book; you have good taste!
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer
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    Tider6972 (8th June 2020)

  6. #6
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    Thanks Rick.
    Dave,my crystal ball got broken by the cat,she pushed it off the table.... so I"ll have to rely on others.
    Anyway I like the gun. I'm a lefty so I;ll need to install a rightside safety. I've never worked on a 1911 ,does anyone have some info to do this correctly?
    Thanks Barry

  7. #7
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    i've watched a few youtube videos and ordered a safety,I'll try my hand at a 1911. Trump gun on the MOD list,hehehehe
    Thanks Barry

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I don’t care for ambi thumb safeties myself. My first carry 1911 that had an ambi caused a bit of a problem for me. Several times when I got home and removed the holstered pistol; I found that it had been knocked off safe.

    So, my practice for a lot of years now has been that, whenever I buy a pistol with an ambi; I remove it, and fit a standard TS in its place.

    Whenever I shoot weak handed (left for me); I use the upper or lower side of my trigger finger to place the TS on or off safe. I do it all the time shooting IDPA, and it works well for me.

    You may get lucky and get an ambi safety that’ll just drop in, but I doubt it. If you’ll go to the Technical Issues subforum on this site; you’ll probably be able to find info on fitting a thumb safety.
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thanks Rick
    I've been using my trigger finger to work the safety. I ordered a ambi safety and have been fitting it,what pain. I having working one way so fare.
    Thanks Barry

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Well, It's been a while. I've shot the trump gun,I loved it. it's a really nice shooting gun. I liked it so much that i'm moving on most of my plastic guns.
    Thanks Barry
    Likes (2) :
    gnappi (16th September 2022), Rick McC. (19th May 2021)

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