Ordered a Rock Ultra FS 9mm from Shoot Point Blank last week on May15 and got it yesterday at the local store here in Miami Township, Dayton area. Took it home and cleaned it up. Went today and ran two boxes of Sellier and Bellot ammo through it. Not one malfunction.
Love the sights and the trigger is absolutely fantastic! I have tried some other 1911's in 45 ACP and 9mm at Point Blank before, but this gun I think is better than some of the range guns they had on hand. Of course, range guns usually don't get cleaned often and don't always cycle ammo very well.
The clip that came with the gun has no manufacturer markings except the numbered sight holes. I wish I knew who made it because I would buy more of the same. I will probably take the magazine around to some local gun shops to see if anyone recognizes the brand. Included here are two photos.
Thanks for any advice you can give me on the mags.