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Thread: Para PRX1445B LVMPD edition "Value"

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th April 2020
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    Para PRX1445B LVMPD edition "Value"

    A friend of mine is selling his Para PRX LVMPD edition. Its new, never shot, with match barrel and trijicon sites, case, and 5 mags. What is the value of this pistol
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    That's not really a "limited edition" model -- it isn't something that Para ever had in their catalog. For a time, Para-Ordnance had a program that offered specific units of the military special runs of pistols, marked with their unit designation and motto. I wasn't aware that this program extended to police departments, but apparently that was the case. This pistol, which carries Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department markings, almost certainly came from that program. It's a beautiful pistol, but I'm not of the opinion that the LVMPD markings add anything to the value of the pistol. Also, it has Para's Power Xtractor. That was considered "innovative" at the time, but in use it proved to be unreliable and was replaced by a beefed-up conventional(-ish) extractor made for Para by EGW. So the PXT is not a feature, but a bug.

    The MSRP when they were new was $1,500, and they actually sold for around $750. There is a similar Para pistol on auction now on the Gun Auction site with a starting price of $1,200 that has drawn no bids. That tells me these are not in high demand. The tactical rail means there are almost no holsters available for it, which is a demerit to many people (including me). The rail also means it isn't allowed in several classes of competition where a P14.45 would otherwise shine. Based on the above, I'd estimate that it's worth maybe $1,000.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
    Last edited by Hawkmoon; 29th April 2020 at 12:58.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    18th June 2012
    North Carolina
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    I agree with everything that you stated. Years ago when I bought my P14 (in 1995) I was able to find a couple of holsters that would work. But I don't know where a holster could be found these days, especially for a P14 with the rail. Maybe the owner could find a custom maker who would make one.
    And that PXT extractor was maybe a "good" idea, but it sure didn't work well. That's why Para Ordnance starting replacing them.

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