Four Inch 1911 Recoil,Springs
A little info for those who own four inch 1911s.
I’ve been having a time for the last few years finding a recoil spring with over an 11 pound rating for my Wilson Professional. Wilson doesn’t list any over 11 pounds, and a couple of hours spent searching online wasn’t turning up anything. So, when I saw a plethora of recoil springs for Commanders (4 1/4” 1911s), I ordered a couple of 13 pounders.
I figured that when I received them, I’d check for spring bind, and either get lucky, or have to cut a coil or two off.
I got lucky! A Commander sized recoil spring will fit in a four inch 1911 with no spring bind at all.
The recoil spring comes in a set which includes a firing pin spring, and is made by Wolff. I found them at Midway. Interestingly enough; I visited the Wolff website, and could NOT find them there at all.
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IDPA Certified Safety Officer