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Thread: Four Inch 1911 Recoil,Springs

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Four Inch 1911 Recoil,Springs

    A little info for those who own four inch 1911s.

    I’ve been having a time for the last few years finding a recoil spring with over an 11 pound rating for my Wilson Professional. Wilson doesn’t list any over 11 pounds, and a couple of hours spent searching online wasn’t turning up anything. So, when I saw a plethora of recoil springs for Commanders (4 1/4” 1911s), I ordered a couple of 13 pounders.

    I figured that when I received them, I’d check for spring bind, and either get lucky, or have to cut a coil or two off.

    I got lucky! A Commander sized recoil spring will fit in a four inch 1911 with no spring bind at all.

    The recoil spring comes in a set which includes a firing pin spring, and is made by Wolff. I found them at Midway. Interestingly enough; I visited the Wolff website, and could NOT find them there at all.
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer

  2. #2
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    Rick, what's the Wolff spring part number, please? I have an old paper catalog, which I have found includes some springs and interchange information that's not on their web site.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #3
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    Hey Hawk:

    The stock number on the Wolff card inside the plastic bag is 42213.
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer

  4. #4
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    Here's some information I gleaned from the printed Wolff catalog (Catalog 50A, copyright date 2000):

    Colt, of course, has never offered a 4" 1911, I skipped over Colt. Kimber has offered 4" pistols. Their listing information says "Factory recoil springs are Colt Officers full-diameter 22 pounds (use Stock No. 490xx)." This is for a .45 ACP, of course. The 490xx series springs are (were, in 2000) offered in 18.5, 20, 22, and 24 pounds.

    Springfield Armory also has offered 4-inch 1911s. (In fact, I have one.) Looking at listings for Springfield in the Wolff catalog I found:
    • Reduced power .... 18 and 20 pound
    • Factory rating ...... 22 pound
    • Extra power ........ 24 pound

    These are spring series 493xx (different from the Kimber listing), and no mention of a Colt Officers spring.

    I don't know where I found it, but there's a hand-written note in the catalog that says the standard rating for a 4" in .45 ACP is 22 pounds, and for a 9mm the standard rating is 14 pounds.

    Then, if I turn back to the listing for the Colt Officers ACP, it says, "Full diameter recoil springs are for use in the Kimber Compact, Para-Ordnance P-12 [which is a 3-1/2" pistol] and Springfield Ultra Compact and V10 and the Colt Officers with with full diameter/full length guide rod."

    That's all just as clear as mud. I guess I'll have to take down my Springfield Champion and Colt Officers ACP and run both recoil springs through my spring tester.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
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    Rick McC. (11th March 2020)

    Last edited by Hawkmoon; 11th March 2020 at 22:55.

  5. #5
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    I can remember back in my Kimber days (before I learned better the “hard way”), reading that the recoil springs for my stainless ProCarry II were actually springs made for the 3 1/2 Colt Officer’s Model. I still have a couple of those that should fit my Colt Lt. Commander Model (Officer’s Model upper on a LW Commander frame) should I ever need to change the recoil spring.
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer

  6. #6
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    I have a Kimber Pro Carry II in 9mm and on Kimbers web sight it calls for a 22lb recoil spring. But they are out of stock and have been for some time. Which spring wight would you recommend and from which retailer?

  7. #7
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    What barrel length is the Pro Carry II?
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  8. #8
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    Hawk - the barrel length is 4”

  9. #9
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    See post #4 in this thread

    The Wolff catalog doesn't mention any 9mm 4" pistols. In .45 ACP, Wolff says a 22-pound recoil spring is factory, and they list part number 49022. The series is 490xx, where xx is the spring weight. For 9mm, it's usually 2 pounds less than for .45 ACP, but any particular gun might also be happy with 4 pounds less. The 490xx series springs are the full-diameter recoil springs for the Colt Officers ACP, and they are available in 18.5, 20, 22, and 24 pound.

    I think I would order one 20-pound and one 18.5 pound, and see which works better.

    Wolff springs are available directly from Wolff, and from Brownells. I think they are actually a bit cheaper from Brownells. Click the link at the top of the screen.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
    Last edited by Hawkmoon; 7th July 2020 at 04:12.

  10. #10
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    15th March 2019
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    Hawk, Rick, Thank you

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