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Thread: Tac Ultra FS 45

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tac Ultra FS 45

    Hey all, I ordered a RIA Tac Ultra FS 45 earlier this week. I wanted a FS 1911 with rail. I looked into other brands and came to decide on RIA due to what I can afford right now. Could have saved for a more expensive brand in the future but I have been "researching" off and on since last September. I had an attack of newgunitis the other day at my LGS and had a conversation about RIA with the owner and he is a big fan of their product. He gave me what I thought was a favorable price quote ($619), so I self administered the only known cure for newgunitis and put in an order.

    I read quite a bit about RIA and was hard pressed to find much in the negative category. In the past whenever researching a product for potential purchase, negative reviews were easy to find. Not so much with RIA. I have been impressed with that personal discovery. So I (im)patiently wait for the LGS to call. Will update when it arrives.
    Likes (2) :
    Ric4509 (25th January 2020), Rick McC. (25th January 2020)

  2. #2
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    I’m pretty sure that you’ll be pleased.

    The RIA that I reviewed last year impressed me so that I sent them a check rather than returning it.

    It’s actually my first RIA, and is a better gun than some others I paid more for...
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer
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    Frgood (29th January 2020)

  3. #3
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    Thanks Rick! I'm looking forward to shooting it!

  4. #4
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    I'm impressed with the fit and finish. Trigger breaks consistently at 4.25 lbs. Very tight tolerances, ie. slide to frame, barrel lockup. I only removed the slide and barrel from the frame. I haven't removed the firing pin and extractor. I haven't owned a 1911 with a full length guide rod before. Initially I think the removal of the recoil spring plug is a pain in the rear. Not a RIA problem, it's a me, never owning a FLGR 1911 before problem.

    lousy flip phone pic
    Attachment 5046
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    Gruntshooter (10th February 2020), Rick McC. (28th January 2020)

  5. #5
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    Attachment 5078

    The inspection certificate impressed me as I have some experience with production level manufacturing (aviation). Seeing "sign offs" from QA (quality assurance inspectors) gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    This week I bought a pack of 5 Checkmate 8 round hybrid magazines from joes1911magmania for $15.40 each (before internet sales tax..grrrr!) via ebay. They look good and fit well. The spring tension is lighter than the supplied ACT mag. The Checkmate's are approximately 1/8" longer. I loaded up all mags with PMC 230 gr ball and hope to make it to the range in the next couple of days.

    Another interestiing item I read in the owners manual was a statement about tight tolerances and a 500 round break in period. None of the other manufacturers manuals have that statement for the 1911's I have recently purchased. In my opinion, it's like I just bought a custom built 1911.
    Last edited by BrettID; 2nd February 2020 at 09:23.

  6. #6
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    It is a good shooter. I have about 150 rounds through it so far.

    The only issue I had was the factory supplied ACT magazine, it was the first loaded magazine that I used. I dropped the slide and it failed to feed the first round. The round jammed. I dropped the mag and cleared the jam. Reloaded round into mag and reinserted, dropped the slide again and it loaded. After the last round fired the slide failed to lock open. I never used that magazine again and probably won't. I proceeded to use 5 new 8 round checkmate ind. magazines. They all performed flawlessly. I have not had any issues since.

    I think I have a problem with my hold on a 1911. Every one I own or have owned with either G.I. style or 3 dot sights, I have to elevate the front sight above the rear for my point of aim to equal point of impact. For a 3 dot, my front dot is never in line with the two rear dots. So with this RIA and the adjustable rear sight I ran out of vertical adjustment. I found that there is not a type of overtravel stop for the vertical adjustment screw. It will back out completely. A friend of 30 years and I have discussed this ad naseum and he also is the same way on a 1911.

    The last outing to the range I let a friends teenage son put some magazines through the gun. I initially was giving him instructions on how to operate the 1911. As I didn't know his experience with the platform. Much to my surprise he was experienced with the 1911. I must be getting older as I found myself encouraging him to keep shooting my gun and using my ammo. I found it enjoyable to watch the youngster shoot away. He kept trying to be polite and decline because his Dad has let him know the cost of ammo. I told him not to worry, I reload, I need the empties!

    The trigger feels a bit gritty. Especially on the reset. But it feels like it is breaking clean. We'll see how it is after 500 rounds.

    That is all.
    Likes (1) :
    Rick McC. (1st July 2020)

  7. #7
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    I got some range time in this a.m.

    I had a malfunction happen twice out of the 56 rounds fired.

    Best I can explain it is I involuntarily double tapped. Fired one shot and before I released the trigger a second round went off.

    It happened once when the magazine had 3 rounds left and once at about 4 or 5 rounds left. I doubt magazine capacity had anything to do with it, but that was about the timing of it.

    This happened the last time I was at the range. It only happened once and I wasn't sure it really happened. Now I "know" it happened and it did it twice. Not sure if I'll continue to shoot until I get 500 rounds out of it. Right now I'm leaning contact RIA/Armscor and send it off.

    Trigger pull as best I can describe it as being "gritty". But I will say it is more accurate than I deserve. Excellent grouping at 15 yards compared to my usual groups with any handgun. I took a picture of the target with 24 rounds/3 magazines fired.

    Attachment 5486

  8. #8
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    If it’s doubling, you need to contact Armscor USA immediately. That’s an unsafe condition!
    "Sights are for the unenlightened."


    IDPA Certified Safety Officer
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    BrettID (7th July 2020)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick McC. View Post
    If it’s doubling, you need to contact Armscor USA immediately. That’s an unsafe condition!

    After sleeping on it, I agree! It will be going back.

  10. #10
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    Warranty claim filed via armscor.com
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    Rick McC. (7th July 2020)

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