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Thread: New MICRO 9 Woodland Night

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    12th April 2016
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    New MICRO 9 Woodland Night

    Here one day, shipped back to KIMBER Alabama for warranty work, the next.
    I put 100 rounds through it, not one hiccup but couldn't acquire target without going one-dot high on sight picture. Shooting 8-12" low at <25', normal sight picture.
    I thought my COLT habits might have had something to do with it, but no.
    Called KIMBER Cust Serv, Tim, and described the sight issue. He was very understanding and polite. Didn't take 5 minutes to get a UPS 2-day Air label emailed and an assurance that it will be resolved.

    Unfortunately it could be several weeks.

    I've heard that I'm not the first Micro 9 sight issue.

    I purchased this through Murdoch's Ranch here in Colorado. They were willing to handle the return to KIMBER but were not willing to fully refund a return.
    I think it's a nice looking little 9mm.
    I'm not too impressed with KIMBER, currently.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    Why does it have to be returned through the seller? If Kimber sent you a label, I believe federal law allows you to ship it directly to the manufacturer, and Kimber can ship it directly back to you.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

  3. #3
    Join Date
    12th April 2016
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    It doesn't have to be returned through the seller.
    I was evaluating if I wanted to return the KIMBER for a full refund minus the background check. I couldn't return it to the Murdoch's seller but they offered to do the shipping.

    Buy a new KIMBER, ship it back to the mfr 4 days later and be without that new KIMBER for weeks on end. All because it was sighted improperly.
    It's frustrating.

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