I'm having a difficult time disassembling my pistol after shooting for cleaning and maintenance: the provided owners manual is of little or no help. For one I have a hard time removing the recoil spring and rod once I have the slide separated from the frame. I couldn't get the recoil spring and guide rod out of its position until I took off the nut just below the barrel where the recoil rod end sticks out. I had to use a spanner tipped wrench and unscrew it then the recoil spring, guide rod and barrel would finally come out. There was no mention of this nut in the steps for maintenance take down. Should I have taken this nut off because it was not mentioned in the owners manual. I couldn't find this piece described either in the manual's schematic nor on Numrich's Gun Parts site. I put it back together and tightened it with a spanner wrench hand tight. And when I put all that back together I had considerable trouble re-inserting the take down lever because a small pin that protrudes near the left side thumb saftey left pokes out just enough the block me from pushing down on the take down lever even when I had it lined up with the half moon take down notch. I got it back together but I'm not comfotable with how hard it went. Is there a trick to re-inserting the take down lever or is it going to be tricky each time I try to do it again. Any helpful comments on either either problem would be greatly appreciated. This is a brand new pistol with only 30 rounds through it 10 rounds each in the 3 magazines provided. Thanks.