This was my first real competition 45 for IPSC that was done back in 1982 for me by John Nowlin of Claremor, Oklahoma. It was built on a Commander that I owned and utilized the Watson Comp set upon a Bartso barrel. John designed the Watson set up and this was the first Commander length that was ever done. Tim Tierney that started and owned Metalloy on Tulsa at the time did the plating. IIRC this was one of the last guns he did personally before selling the company to Wilson's associate in Arkansas. It is the Starburst finish.
Te gun has won me a ton of Gold over the years and I believe the round count is way North of 100,000 by now. A few sets of recoil springs have gone through it over the years. The trigger has gone untouched in all this years. The slide was tightened when it was built and John showed me how to bring it back as it wore. I sat on a tall stool watching him build this one many a night when I would drive from OKC to Claremore. John was great friend and mentor to me when I started IPSC and always was helpful. The pistol was actually delivered to me at the US Nationals in 1982 . That year hey broke up the Super Squad and I shot the entire week with Ross Seyfried. That was educational to say the least. Between shooting with Bill Wilson, Mike Plaxico, John and Jim Blackard I had some great coaches.
Like an old set of gloves that fits you so well when this one comes out of the leather it almost makes me feel supercharged.