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Thread: Please direct me to the correct sub forum

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th December 2014
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    Please direct me to the correct sub forum

    Please direct me to the correct sub forum for commander style pistols. I know Ed Brown calls it Kobra carry, Hickok45 was playing with it yesterday on youtube. And I think Colt was the commander style. Or is there not a sub forum dedicated to it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    There are no sub-forums (discussion areas) on this site dedicated to different sizes of 1911s. This site is organized according to manufacturer. If you want to discuss a Colt Commander, post in the Colt discussion area. If you want to discuss an Ed Brown Kobra, post in the Ed Brown discussion area.
    On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside

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