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Thread: Serial numbers

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th September 2016
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    Serial numbers

    As i said earlier, i bought a MK1 at the show. It has a very worn finish and i paid $525 for it. The interesting thing is the 4 digit serial number. It is a bit crude and was obviousely applied after the gun was finished.
    So i am wondering if this was an old military or L.E. pistol from over seas made before serial number requirement. I imagine the frame, slide ans barrel were all numvered at importation time by the importer.
    Anyone have any knowledge of this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th June 2004
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    Far in the past HiPower serial numbers might be issued within the contract meaning contract B's serial numbers might be duplicated in contract A's serial range. I've observed low HiPower serial numbers from police contract pistols that were most likely made postwar. I don't think a MK1 pistol would have that problem.

    I'm by no means an expert on HiPowers but photos might help someone who is.

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