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Thread: Early Giles Gun

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th January 2011
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    Early Giles Gun

    Hey Guys and Gals, I purchased this 1911 last year from a woman in Arizona by way of Florida. She stated her grandfather was a member of the local Navy shooting team. Out of curiosity I sent off for the Colt letter and was not surprised by the answer received.

    My question is: On the letter the caliber is shown as a .45/c and not a .45ACP is this an error on Colt's part? should I be concerned and call Colt?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th September 2010
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    I have seen several Colt 1911 letters that list the caliber as .45/c. One would think the letter would state .45 Automatic or .45ACP. Google "Colt 1911 letters" and you'll see several examples of this. You could call Colt and ask for an explanation.
    "Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you." --Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th December 2015
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    How about a few pictures of the gun?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    13th January 2011
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    Here they are

    I will add, it still shoots great.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    9th June 2004
    Alabama, US
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    Neat. I think Mr Giles was the only 'smith to have his own sights. Everybody else was installing Bomar, Aristocrat, Micro, or S&W sights.

    Early days of IPSC in this area, a shooter sent his bullseye gun back to Mr Giles to have the rib removed and replaced with regular Giles sights for shooting hardball.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    6th December 2015
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    Very nice. Thanks for taking the time for posting these pictures.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    1st May 2011
    Near Gettysburg, PA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill_in Bouse View Post
    Here they are

    I will add, it still shoots great.
    You have a wonderful treasure there. John Giles was one of the great old time pistolsmiths along with Jim Clark, Bob Chow and Austin Behlert. He did make his own sights. Now you just need to look out for a High Standard .22 target pistol that he customized and you will be ready to go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    13th January 2011
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    Thanks Guys for the kind words. I'll further add I now know the original owner of the Giles .45. A Navy Captain ordered the pistol on 11/5/56 and it was delivered to him on
    10/4/57 for a total cost of $157.35 That total includes the cost of the gun and all modifications LOL

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