Is the U.S. Military all but done with the M1911?
Yes, I know that most units that issue handguns have used the Beretta or Sig platforms for many years. However, the Marines and a few units in Special Operations command used the 1911 on a limited basis. This was released today:
1st-SFOD, NAVSPECWARDEVGRU and a few others had already moved to the Glock platform. MARSOC has now joined the rest of the SOCOM community in moving to the Glock 19. I believe this only leaves a few units in MEUSOC still deploying the 1911.
It appears that the days of ol' slabsides may be numbered.
"The 1911 was the design, given by God to us through John M. Browning, that represents the epitome of what a killing tool needs to be. It was true in 1911 and it's true now." - Col. Robert Coates commanding, U.S. Marine Corp Special Operations Command Detachment 1 (DET 1)