Are conversion kits available for a .45 Colt Commander(1991) to a 9x19mm ? If available please advise where and any advise concerning pros & cons. Thanks for any help.
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Are conversion kits available for a .45 Colt Commander(1991) to a 9x19mm ? If available please advise where and any advise concerning pros & cons. Thanks for any help.
Responders, please note: This discussion area is only for centerfire conversion KITS. Any responses not pertaining to a commercially-available kit, please see the member's post in the Gunsmithing discussion area.
On a good day, can hit the broad side of a barn ... from the inside
With that in mind, the answer is:
No, not that I ever heard of.
There was a 9mm kit for GM.
Thanks Jim. I had no idea. I've seen kits for rimfire and as a result assumed there would be centerfire kits. Live and learn !!!
The problem, as we keep saying, is that there are NO interchangeable parts in a 1911 pistol. Even if you were to swap top ends between two 1911s of the same make and model (and therefore, caliber) chancer are that something, somewhere would need adjustment -- or more. So caliber conversions never became popular, because they usually didn't work all that well, at least not on all guns.
Rimfires are another story: the barrel in these is fixed (since they're straight blowbacks) so working out a way to make them work in most 1911s out there is easier... but even with these we occasionally hear that X conversion doesn't suit Y pistol's frame all that well.
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
M. Setter
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