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Thread: my new to me RANDALL service model

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th April 2015
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    my new to me RANDALL service model

    Just picked up my first ever Randall service model it is missing original magazine and grips, but it shoots great. I ran about 70 rounds of fmj and jhp through it right after trading for it. (a ruger mini14) have Hogue laser grips on it now, and using chip mccormick mags. is the blue book of guns value accurate on these? I see $1200 on gunbroker, $500-600 on BBGV, what would you rate the condition? thanks from the new Randall owner.randall 005.jpgrandall 017.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th October 2006
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    Hello and welcome aboard. Not able to answer your question, but someone who can will be along soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    31st March 2009
    Texas - of course!
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    IMHO, the BB is woefully behind the curve on Randall valuations - *IF* I could find them at the values they show, I'd be working on my 2nd complete set of their .45 models!

    Yours has had quite a bit modified - sites, MSH, extended safety and (likely) slide release. The fact that it'll feed HP ammo also tells me that there's been a competent gunsmith inside - the OEM Randalls were often sold as "junk" because they wouldn't feed JHP reliably. Those of us that understood "milspec" KNEW they wouldn't unless worked on - neither would the milspec originals!

    Let me put it this way.......your Service Model is one of the most "common" out there. I wouldn't sell mine for less than $1500.

    Now.....if you come across a flat-top adjustable site LEFT HAND model in .45, just tell me where - that's the LAST one I need to complete my collection! In the meantime, take that puppy out and enjoy it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    30th July 2009
    Danville, CA
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    Very nice!

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