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Thread: Slide+barrel to frame modularity?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th January 2010
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    Slide+barrel to frame modularity?

    I've been around on a lot of different forums but this is my first post here and I'm starting with a question.

    As far as I know there are several pistols that can accept magazines and tops in different calibers(glock being one), however I have only found one manufacturer that is pretty much plug-and-play with the entire range of calibers from 9mm and up to 45, which is the Italian Tanfoglio(EAA Witness).

    My question is, are there any 1911 brands that are consistent(or sloppy ) enough in dimensions to make this feasible without having a gunsmith fit different tops to a single frame?

    Where I live there are restrictions on the number of handguns one is allowed before one has to live up to more and more stringent requirements as far as competition participation and practice frequency is concerned, parts such as slide/barrel combos can however be bought much easier as there are no strings attached to those except registration/purchase permit.

    Which means that having several different top ends for each frame is a lot easier and more practical than having complete guns when one has to show activity or one is asked to turn in the guns or increase activity if one owns more than a certain number.

    I'm interested in having guns in the most common calibers(9, 10, 357sig, 40, 45 and .22) and have them be as part/frame/barrel/slide compatible as possible, and so far the only 2 I have found that can do this is the aforementioned tanfoglio(my current choice/option), and the BUL-m58which I'm not certain about(in part because of the rep of the local importer) and that I'm looking into).

    So, is there anyone that know if it is possible to just buy tops for any of the quality single stacks or the less expensive double stacks(I.E not so costly as to be a non option) and use them on one single frame from the same manufacturer?

    I like the Tanfoglio's but I like single stack 1911's more........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd June 2004
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    I have swapped a 9mm slide & barrel onto a single stack .45 frame with no problems. I have swapped a Para-Ordnance .40 S&W slide and barrel onto a Para-Ordnance frame that began life as a .45 (P13.45, to be specific). And I have swapped a 9mm slide with a .38 Super barrel onto a frame that began life as a .45 Auto.

    Some of these swaps require changing the ejector. Some may require replacing the slide stop. It can be done. The question is, is there anyone currently selling complete, caliber conversion kits for 1911s? I don't know of any, aside from the .22 rimfires. All my swaps were pieced together by me, some from various sources. Unless there are actual commercial kits available, this discussion should be carried out in the "Gunsmithing" discussion area.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Several years ago I used a Colt Delta Elite 10mm, removed the Series 80 parts (temporarily) and shot the frame with a Colt .38 Super top end; a Colt ACE .22 LR top end; and Colt Commander .45 top end. Now this was just an experiment but everything seemed to work OK.

    A Commander slide on a Government Model frame is not quite right, and probably not recommended.

    The Government Model .45 slide and ejector is different than the .38/9mm/10mm ejector as Hawkmoon alluded to.

    The Colt Commander sized pistols seem to use the same ejector regardless of caliber, and the Commander ejector is more like the .38 Super Govt Mod ejector than the .45 GM ejector that is why my Commander .45 slide fit on the 10mm.

    Can it be done? Probably. Will it work out OK? Again probably, with a bit of tinkering and some finesse.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thank's, looks like I will be sticking with the Tanfoglio's then.

    I'm actually happy with either but the caliber/slide interchangeability(also been told that Tanfoglio will custom chamber barrels if asked) and ease with which this is done gives them the edge, if the same was true with a brand(not custom) of 1911 it would still have the edge due to me simply liking them.

    Kimber or para would make a killing if they re designed the barrels/ejectors to make slides and calibers interchangeable on the same frame.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Not recommended, but it can be done!!!!!!
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization

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