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Thread: Alex strikes again

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th May 2004
    Athens, Greece, Earth
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    Alex strikes again

    As you all probably know by now, Alex is the next Hollywood star, it's just that Hollywood doesn't know it yet.

    Here is his latest contribution to the art.


    For those who do not understand Greek, Alex is in a store with his family and he sees his sister flirting with a young man. So he threatens her that he will say what he saw to "dad", "OLA STON MPAMPA", everything to daddy. So she starts offering him various things to convince him not to say a word to daddy. At the end, they agree, but then he wants a tablet too. She tells him "Now you want a tablet too?", so he tell her "OLA STIN MAMA" meaning that he won't say a word to daddy, but he will tell everything to their mom.
    John Caradimas SV1CEC
    The M1911 Pistols Organization
    Last edited by John; 26th February 2013 at 02:11.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    8th August 2010
    North Carolina
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    I think he did a fantastic job! I hope his brother isn't jealous.
    Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes right to the bone.

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