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Welcome to The M1911 Pistols Organization Forums Site.
Or anything related to M1911.ORG, its Home Page and its Forums Site
Not for asking pistol related questions.
This is where we'll post new announcements, like things we find on the net, or whatever we think should be of interests to the members.
New threads can be started by Mgm team only. Regular members can only read and post answers to existing threads.
Forum open for posting to Industry Representatives only.
This is the place for manufacturers of 1911-related goods, to post their announcements.
This is not a discussion area, just an area where vendors can announce their offerings or other interesting news.
Please use this forum for announcing training courses related to firearms, self-defense etc.
Where to post your questions about M1911.ORG, the Home Page, the E-zine and the Forums Site, or where you can make suggestions about our Organization.
Do not post pistol- or parts-related questions here.
We are interested in hearing your opinion about M1911.ORG, the Home Page, the Forums Site or our E-zine.
This is the proper forum to post it.
Alternatively, you can use our Guestbook to leave us your opinion about us.
Do not post pistol- or parts-related opinions in here.
Use this forum to post your "Hi there" message, when you first register. Tell us a little about you and what brought you here, what 1911s you own, or just say "Hi".
This is not the proper forum to ask questions about your 1911 pistol. Use the forums below, for such things.
A special area to ask computer- or software-related questions.
Please do not use this area for questions irrelevant to its purpose.
This is where you may test forums functionality.
Do not use this forum for discussions.
Brand-specific forums for brand-specific 1911 related questions only. No non-1911-related questions here.
Do not use this area for USGI or other pre-WWII pistols, see section below.
Do not post questions for after-market parts in these forums, use the "Parts Bin" forums instead.
Only 1911 pistols marked RIA or Armscor on the slide are to be discussed in this forum. Other pistols manufactured by Armscor (for other vendors, like Citadel etc) should NOT be discussed here.
For support use this link:
Company Representative for Cabot Guns:
Rob - User Name: CabotGuns
This is the proper forum for all modern and current production Colts that are Series 70 and newer. This includes the Series 70, Series 80, M1991, etc. All pre-Series 70 Colt pistols are to be discussed in the Collector's Corner.
Please note that Llama-made Firestorm pistols are not to be discussed in here. The same holds for Bersa Firestorm pistols. Only the newer Firestorm 1911 pistols made by MetroArms can be discussed in this area. For all others, please use the "Other 1911s" forum.
Use this forum to discuss 1911 pistols manufactured by Remington and having the Remington name on the slide and frame.
Company Representative: Mark Ziegenbein
User Name: Mark Z - Email:
Company Representative: Antony
User Name: WilsonCombatRep - Email: Anthony (at)
Use this area to show us pistols built by professional custom gunsmiths, or to ask question about such pistols.
Not for asking general gunsmithing or "how to" questions, or showing home-built pistols.
Use the Gunsmithing forum for that.
This is the forum you should use, if you want to ask a question for a contemporary manufacturer, not listed above.
Do not use this forum for custom pistols (there is a special forum for them) or non-1911 firearms.
This is the proper forum to use, if you want to ask a question related to more than one of the above manufacturers.
For example "Help me select between X, Y and Z".
Only 1911 firearm questions are allowed.
As of May of 2011, discussion of ALL 1911-style rimfire pistols and rimfire conversion kits should be discussed here, except the Colt Ace and Service Ace pistols and conversion kits, which should be discussed in the Collectors area.
This now includes complete rimfire pistols of all makes, as well as rimfire conversion kits.
The proper forums for historical questions (or in other words, Collector's Related questions).
These are the forums to discuss about your US Government Issue 1911 pistols, or other pre-Series 70 Colt M1911 pistols, as described in the captions below.
United States Government Issue (USGI) M1911-style pistols produced from 1907 through 1945.
Please read the sticky thread inside this forum for details.
The proper forum to discuss the above listed Colt pistols manufactured for the commercial market before the Series 70 pistols were introduced. This is also the place to discuss the Colt Ace and Service Ace .22LR conversion kits.
Please read the sticky thread inside this forum for more details.
The proper forum to discuss Colt pistols made for foreign Governments (Argentina, Canada, Russia, etc) and non-Colt manufactured pistols produced outside the U.S. in the M1911 or M1911A1-type configuration under contract in/for another Government. Examples include the Sistema, Norwegian M1912/ M1914, Argentines, Brazilians, pistols marked “D.G.F.M.”, etc.
Please read the sticky thread inside this forum for details.
If your question or comment is related to several of the above, accoutrements and accessories, or of general collector's interest, this is the proper forum. All content must be related to specific pistols listed in the Collector’s Corner of the site ONLY.
The forums for anything peripheral to the M1911.
For maintenance or gunsmithing questions use the next section. M1911-content only.
A forum to discuss your favorite ammo or ask question on anything related to ammo.
All ammo-related questions should be posted here, irrespective of the M1911 you intend to use them in.
Only questions about calibers related to the 1911 should be posted in here.
The forum for 7-rounders, 8-rounders or that strange 50-rounder you've seen in a movie.
All after-market 1911 magazines-related questions should be posted here.
The manufacturers forums are to be used only if you want to ask questions about the OEM magazines.
All 1911 after-market parts-related questions should be posted here, irrespective of the pistol you want to use them on.
Only OEM parts questions are allowed in the manufacturers forums.
Here is the area to talk about leather or Kydex or whatever you use to carry your pistols and magazines in.
All holsters-related questions should be posted here, irrespective of the 1911 pistol they are for.
For either Double Action conversions or caliber-related conversions, this is the forum to use.
For commercially-available centerfire conversion kits only! For custom or home-made conversions please use the "Gunsmithing, Troubleshooting & Refinishing" forum.
Use this forum for other goodiess, such as scopes, red dot sights, laser sights, wooden cases, dispay cases, carrying cases, etc.
These are the forums for your "How to fit ...." questions. Or to talk about your favorite lubricant.
Strictly M1911-related content.
The proper forum to discuss anything related to the maintenance of your M1911 pistol. How to take care of it and the products you like.
Do not post your 1911 problems here, use the forum below.
How to improve (or maybe destroy) your M1911 pistol, by pretending to be a gunsmith. Technical questions. Problem-solving issues. How to build your own pistol questions. This is the forum to use. 1911 content only.
An amazing animation, kindly offered by STI, which shows in great details, how the 1911 pistol works.
A new browser window will open, close it to return here.
Amazing animations, showing you in a step-by-step fashion, how to properly disassemble and reassemble your M1911 pistol.
Courtesy of Mexicoxican and Tom
A new browser window will open, close it to return here.
A Read-Only forum, taken directly from M1911.ORG Home Page.
A new browser window will open. Close it to return here.
Forums for asking specific questions on the usage of the M1911 in competition, LE or personal protection.
M1911-content only.
The proper forum to discuss the usage of 1911 in IDPA, IPSC, Bullseye, or any other form of competition. This is NOT the proper forum to discuss what matches are held in your area or when the next match is. M1911 content only.
Whatever concerns the usage of the 1911 in self defense, goes in this forum. This is NOT the proper forum to discuss how to use a shotgun for self-defense or which are the best karate kicks. M1911 content only.
The proper forum to discuss the usage of the 1911 in the LE or military circles. This is NOT the proper forum to discuss if the kevlar helmet is better than the steel one, or if the M-14 is superior to the M16. M1911 content only.
This is the place to discuss training and practicing issues with the 1911. M1911 content only.
Shooters other favorite tools. Non-1911 firearms discussion, and general topics forum.
Here is your special forum, for those who think that Hi Power was the epitome of JMB's designs.
Anything related to the Hi-Power can be discussed in here.
This is the place to discuss non M1911 firearms, either pistols, revolvers, long guns, etc..
Any question pertaining to non-1911 firearms should be posted in here, including ammo-related questions, holsters questions, parts and gunsmithing questions etc. Do not use the other forums if the question does not pertain to a 1911.
Our blade section, for those who love blades in addition to M1911s.
Fixed blades or folders, this is the forum to talk about them!
Either gun-mounted or not, this is the forum where you can discuss about them.
Here is a forum for all Leatherman (and similar tools) afficionados.
If you have your M1911 or any other firearm stolen from you, report it here. Someone might notice it somewhere and let you know.
This is a forum where you can discuss legal or civil rights issues. Discussions will be limited to legal issues as they relate to firearms. General political discussion is emphatically off limits. (NOTE: Please be sure to read the Sticky at the beginning of this Forum, or the Important Message box with the red letters.)
Here, you can post whatever does not fit in the other categories.
Please respect the Forum rules.
A Read-Only forum, taken directly from M1911.ORG Home Page.
This page will open in a new browser window. Close it to return here.
This is a forum is the area where you can contribute your own product tests. The forum is in the form of articles, instead of the traditional thread/posts method, in order to make the tests easier to read. You are responsible for your posts.
The proper forum to discuss anything related to photography, cameras, lenses and other equipment.
For all your humorous postings, use this forum here.
Use these forums to discuss AirSoft (or in general gas-powered) M-1911 pistols
Used to discuss general Airsoft and Air Gun issues that are not covered by the other Airsoft or Air Gun discussion Forums below.
Here you may enter a report about your AirSoft (or gas-powered) 1911. Do not enter real firearm reports in here.
Here you may ask questions about AirSoft (or gas-powered) M-1911 modifications. Do not present your modified gun here, use the previous forum for this purpose.
This is the forum to discuss all issues related to the usage of AirSoft (or gas-powered) M-1911s as an alternative for real practice, in the convenience of one's home.
Use these forums to sell, buy or trade things.
Use the Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down forums to express your positive or negative opinion from companies you have dealt with.
Use this forum to sell firearms you no longer want or to trade them.
No commercial use of this area is allowed.
Read the warnings and the sticky threads inside, before posting. Also, please read this document.
You can't enter this forum, if you have less than 30 posts contributed to our discussions and less than 30 days since you registered.
List your interest to buy (or trade) a gun, in this forum.
No commercial use of this area is allowed.
Read the warnings and the sticky threads inside, before posting.
Parts, holsters, range bags, anything but guns, use this forum to sell or trade.
No commercial use of this area is allowed.
Read the warnings and the sticky threads inside, before posting. Also, please read this document.
You can't enter this forum, if you have less than 30 posts contributed to our discussions and less than 30 days since you registered.
List your interest to buy (or trade) parts, holsters, grips, anything but guns, here.
No commercial use of this area is allowed.
Read the warnings and the sticky threads inside, before posting.
If you have any free things that you want to get rid of, you can list them in here, so other members can take them off your hand.
Only free items can be listed in here.
Please report any abuse of this forum to the moderators
The place to post information relating to 1911s or peripherals of potential interest to members, which are for sale in shops near you or that you have found on the Internet. This includes great deals you have found for either a pistol or a peripheral (parts, grips, holsters, bags, the works). In general, the place were members will check to find what good deals you have discovered.
This is the proper forum to post your good experience, dealing with a company or a person, when buying some thing related to the 1911.
All threads will be monitored, so do not abuse this area.
The forum where you should post any bad experience you had, dealing with a company or a person on the net.
All threads will be monitored, so do not abuse this area.
A special forum where El Commandante posts his random thoughts.
You may post answers to John's notes, but not create new threads here.
A place to enter my gun-related ramblings.
Where my photography-related ramblings go.
All other comments and ramblings by your host.
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