If you intend to buy something from the companies advertising above, or near the bottom of our pages, please use their banners in our sites. Whatever you buy from them, using those banners, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
We have changed our Rules for the For Sale and To Buy forums. Please read the followings carefully, before posting.
For Sale forums
To protect our members from opportunistic sellers who can come here, just to post their For Sale ads and then disappear, registered members can post in here only if:
- they are registered for more than 30 days in this forum.
- they have contributed more than 30 MEANINGFUL posts to our discussions.
Do not try to post here if you do not meet these requirements. Also, we remind you of our Rule No 16, which says:
16. Members may not offer to sell a gun or anything else in any post, except if this offer is posted as a separate thread in the proper 'For Sale' forum. Any mention of 'possibly' selling a gun in a post asking about the value WILL BE considered an offer to sell a gun or anything else in any other forum, even if your 'For Sale' ad, is covered up (for example, 'I have this rare 1911 model, which I am thinking to sell, how much do you think it is worth?'). Your post will be erased and you will be banned from this site. Please keep in mind that you can not post a For Sale ad, in the 'For Sale' forums, unless you have been a member for at least one month and you have contributed at least thirty meaningful posts to our discussions. So please do not register to post a For Sale ad or to post a covered-up For Sale ad, your message will be deleted and you will be permanently banned. Asking about the value of a gun or an item is allowed, but you MAY NOT even mention that you are thinking of selling it. The only place you may mention selling is in the appropriate Flea Market area. Also, a member is not allowed to post a For Sale ad, for a third party. Finally, all For Sale ads should have fixed prices for the items you are selling, we do not allow auctions in this site. Nothing offered for sale on this site may also be offered by auction anywhere else; and nothing being offered by auction anywhere else may also be offered for sale on this site.
Also, please note :
- You may not use this space to sell anything, if you are (or if you represent) a commercial entity.
- Members can not post answers in threads started in here. So the seller has to provide contact means (email address, phone number or whatever) and make sure that your Private Messages system is turned on, or else interested members will not be able to contact you.
- Your thread will remain in this forum for 30 days. If the item you are selling is sold, you have the obligation to delete your thread, otherwise you will be bothered by interested buyrs with emails, PMs or phone calls. Your thread will automatically be deleted after 30 days. If you want you may post a new thread
- If you want to reduce the price of an item you are selling, you may edit your thread to reflect the new price. Do not relist the item in a new thread, unless you first delete the old one.
- You may not post a For Sale ad for a third party (another member or a non-member).
- You may not run an auction here. All ads should include fixed prices for the for sale items.
- You may not offer for sale here any firearm or item that is listed on any on-line auction site or which has been consigned to any physical auction house for sale.
- If you decide that you wish to list a firearm or an item already advertised here on any auction site, you must remove the offer from here and notify any members with whom you may have been negotiating, that the firearm or item has been listed for auction and is no longer for sale through the M1911.ORG Flea Market.
- You may not post a For Sale ad, in any other forum in this site, even if it is covered-up. Your ad will be deleted and you will be permanently banned from this site.
- Old threads will be deleted 30 days after their initial post was entered.
Remember to read the sticky threads in the For Sale forums, before posting there. They contain important rules that you should follow.
To Buy forums
Members can post freely in the To Buy forums.
Please keep in mind that your To Buy ads will remain in the forums for 60 days. If you find what you are looking to buy, please delete your ad from the To Buy forums.
Sponsors Panel
If you intend to buy something from Brownells, please use their banners above. Whatever you buy from them, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.