Welcome to M1911.ORG
The M1911 Pistols Organization Forums Site

John needs your help
Please read this message.

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If you intend to buy something from the companies advertising above, or near the bottom of our pages, please use their banners in our sites. Whatever you buy from them, using those banners, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
If you want to become a sponsor and see your banner in the above panel, click here to contact us.

Please use this area to post full tests. A two- or three-lines post, with your opinion about a product is NOT a test. A test should include full description, pictures, and of course your opinion. But it should be a full article, just like the ones you read in a magazine.

All threads which do not meet these requirements will be moved to another forum and you will be warned.

Threads 1 to 4 of 4

Forum: M1911 Parts and Accessories Tests

Anything related to an M1911 can be entered here. Magazines, grips, holster, as long as it fits a 1911.
No firearms tests here.

  1. Cammer Hammer Review

    Started by Auto Mag, 30th June 2016 14:53
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 4,670
    5th July 2016, 22:31 Go to last post
  2. Moved: Galco Combat Master

    Started by JD11, 24th November 2013 12:05
  3. Thumbs up Fobus 1911 Tactical 1911 Roto-Holster Paddle

    Started by Snakeyes, 23rd May 2010 16:25
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 10,448
    23rd May 2010, 16:41 Go to last post
  4. Arrow Horseshoe Leather Covert #28

    Started by Rio Vista Slim, 2nd October 2005 17:11
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 9,967
    3rd October 2005, 02:07 Go to last post

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Sponsors Panel
If you intend to buy something from Brownells, please use their banners above. Whatever you buy from them, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
If you want to become a sponsor and see your banner in the above panel, click here to contact us.

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