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This is something new at M1911.ORG – a Forum focusing on legal issues related firearms. Discussions will be limited to legal issues as they relate to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, including of course the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and other core and related Civil Rights such as Search and Seizure, Self Incrimination, and Due Process. This can include court decisions, on going litigation, legislation and U. S. Constitutional law (which would encompass separation of powers, checks and balances, full faith and credit and the Bill of Rights).

It will be unavoidable that the focus here will be the United States, but discussion of similar legal issues in other countries will be welcome. We have seen discussions elsewhere of such topics quickly degenerate into name calling and invective. That would be unacceptable here. We remain committed to being a community in which appropriate subjects can be discussed as gentlemen and gentlewomen in a community of mutual respect.

Accordingly, please take special notice of the following:

  • * Discussions will be limited to legal issues as they relate to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, including of course the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and other core and related Civil Rights such as Search and Seizure, Self Incrimination, and Due Process. This can include court decisions, on going litigation, legislation and U. S. Constitutional law (which would encompass separation of powers, checks and balances, full faith and credit and the Bill of Rights).
  • * It will be unavoidable that the focus here will be the United States, but discussion of similar legal issues in other countries will be welcome. But general political discussion or partisan politics is emphatically off limits. The litmus test for unacceptable political content will include reference to candidates, or elections political parties. We realize that it's difficult to separate discussions of legal issues, especially legislation and civil rights, entirely from politics. So for this Forum only, we will allow some political discussion only to the extent it is an adjunct and a minor part of a discussion within the proper scope of this Forum. A decision by a moderator that something has crossed the line shall be final and not debatable.
  • * Invective or snark is not welcome nor acceptable anywhere on this board and is especially to be avoided here. Let's not have any twisting of names or denigrating of States, parties or viewpoints (no Demon-crats, Libertards, Kommifornia. Etc.). So please use proper names and terminology. No need to be rabble rousing.
  • * Conspiracy theories aren't welcome.

We've seen lively and useful discussions of legal and civil rights issues conducted in a civil, civilized manner.

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Threads 1 to 20 of 169

Forum: Law and Civil Rights

This is a forum where you can discuss legal or civil rights issues. Discussions will be limited to legal issues as they relate to firearms. General political discussion is emphatically off limits. (NOTE: Please be sure to read the Sticky at the beginning of this Forum, or the Important Message box with the red letters.)

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Flying with handguns

    Started by Hawkmoon, 27th September 2018 12:55
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,799
    18th October 2018, 02:10 Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: What can be posted in here - Starting June 2012

    Started by John, 27th June 2012 08:32
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,682
    27th June 2012, 08:32 Go to last post
  4.   Normal Threads  

  1. Confusion reigns

    Started by Hawkmoon, 19th February 2023 12:44
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 324
    20th February 2023, 17:02 Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 332
    13th January 2023, 16:47 Go to last post
  2. The Second Amendment

    Started by Hawkmoon, 18th December 2022 11:03
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 243
    18th December 2022, 11:03 Go to last post
  3. New BATFE Rule

    Started by Hawkmoon, 11th April 2022 16:41
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,282
    30th April 2022, 21:10 Go to last post
  4. An interesting bill before Congress

    Started by Hawkmoon, 12th March 2022 11:46
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 389
    12th March 2022, 11:46 Go to last post
  5. California in the news

    Started by Hawkmoon, 18th February 2022 21:35
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 340
    22nd February 2022, 01:48 Go to last post
  6. The Rittenhouse Case: An Analysis (Partial)

    Started by Hawkmoon, 20th November 2021 20:04
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,160
    23rd November 2021, 21:13 Go to last post
  7. Support bill to allow carry on all federal lands

    Started by Hawkmoon, 8th October 2021 18:17
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 460
    8th October 2021, 18:17 Go to last post
  8. Global Gun Registration Treaty

    Started by .45s r best, 4th September 2021 20:18
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 927
    6th September 2021, 21:25 Go to last post
  9. An interesting SCOTUS decision

    Started by Hawkmoon, 18th May 2021 10:32
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 864
    22nd May 2021, 14:00 Go to last post
  10. Florida problem

    Started by Hawkmoon, 23rd August 2019 12:46
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    • Replies: 38
    • Views: 10,077
    4th October 2020, 12:17 Go to last post
  11. California's ammunition background check on hold

    Started by Hawkmoon, 24th April 2020 10:34
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,242
    25th April 2020, 13:24 Go to last post
  12. Discussion thread of our Editorial article in our E-zine

    Started by John, 22nd February 2020 05:46
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,631
    2nd March 2020, 12:31 Go to last post
  13. S.C. Democrat Candidate Debate

    Started by Hawkmoon, 28th February 2020 18:07
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 909
    1st March 2020, 19:35 Go to last post
  14. I-1639 in Washington State & magazines

    Started by dwmitchell61, 2nd February 2020 02:12
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 2,385
    5th February 2020, 11:32 Go to last post
  15. NYC Lawsuit

    Started by Hawkmoon, 31st May 2019 18:04
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,121
    9th June 2019, 17:14 Go to last post

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